Hey all!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya thats cool .. any one can lose it ...but be carefull.. see you judge me by my posts.. its cool .. im defenitly not the # of my posts
i didnt near lose it,over a post on riu? and im not judging you by your post and hope noone judges me by mine..i just found out about riu not too lond ago and have been growing.

I am at a loss

Active Member
Dear those that have tried to help,

I was in another state for a while. I will take pictures of my grow room that is a direct replica of the one from the Marijuana and Hashish Museum in Amsterdam. I wrote down exactly what I have. Do you just want to see if I am telling the truth? I am not making any judgements, I just don't want to be a part of the sh-t slingling that is happening.

Thanks Al for all your advice. The small rockwool is just about the size that you mentioned. What bothers me is that when you said that the roots don't like "wet feet", how can they not get wet feet when the rockwool you are putting them in after shaking them out still will have water and wet the root, which I swear is the cause of the spindly and depressing stringy beginnings to my lovely plants. I never had this problem as I did grow incredible plants that surprised even me.

I guess after the small rockwool is shaken out there will be less damp for the root and it's botom "feet" not to get too wet. I have incredible seeds of every strain, which cost major bucks because I first thought it was sub-par seeds that I was using. It isn't that either.

I will try what you say Al, and again I thank you for your advice, plus anyone who has something of worth to say and not to fight with other members.

I want my old incredible stash that I grew back. Instead I am left to smoke this complete shwag that I pay a fortune for.:-(

If anyone has somemore great advice besides soaking the small rockwool in 5.8 for 24 hours? I will try that Al. I promise. I just want to see what others have to say.

People must be awfully jealous of you since as soon as they see you they pounce.

Well, I love you for trying to help me, and I will send pictures, as that isn't the problem. I will water less often, as I know they are over watered.

Thanks all of you beautiful people that are trying to help me get my plants not to start out stringy and spindly with almost no chance of survival except when I put a splint on a plant to hold it up, and then I only get a small amount from each plant.

I will let all of you know what is happening when I start to germinate and soak the small rockwool that fits into the bigger rockwool. If it is incredible stock, I would love to share it with you Al, as you were the first to give me real advice and not give me some form of sarcastic answer.

I think most all of you are good people that are willing to help a sister who has a great system that is used to growing the best (one hit) to growing stems with a bit of popcorn on each branch.

Heather a.k.a. Drama Queen :wall:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Thanks Al for all your advice. The small rockwool is just about the size that you mentioned. What bothers me is that when you said that the roots don't like "wet feet", how can they not get wet feet when the rockwool you are putting them in after shaking them out still will have water and wet the root, which I swear is the cause of the spindly and depressing stringy beginnings to my lovely plants. I never had this problem as I did grow incredible plants that surprised even me.
'Wet feet' is a gardener's term for overwatering. Overwatering is defined as giving so much water that all air is displaced from the medium or drainage so poor that water in excess of the needs of the plant remains in the rootzone for so long that it loses its dissolved O2. Of course the RW has to be damp (meaning some water in the medium but a significant amt of air remaining), but as long as there's air, the 'wet feet' condition will not occur.

and not to fight with other members.
I don't hit the keys without a reason. I am not a wallflower and never have been. I do disagree from time to time with readers and I will continue to comment as such when I do.

If anyone has somemore great advice besides soaking the small rockwool in 5.8 for 24 hours? I will try that Al. I promise. I just want to see what others have to say.
The presoak soln should be 5.0. The presoak should be drained as fully as possible before poking stems in the RW. I find a salad spinner is a great tool for this task. Subsequent watering should be done with pH 5.8 water which has been dosed with 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L

People must be awfully jealous of you since as soon as they see you they pounce.
I don't pretend to understand every reason for being unreasonably challenged. I'm just one of those people who soaks up information like a sponge and have been so since I was a kid-kid. I was a teacher's kid and could read before I went to kindy. I recall that while in 1st grade, I was yelled at most mornings by my parents for carrying off sections of the newspaper before they could get to it. We had 3 sets of encyclopaediae (Colliers, Britannica, World Book) when I was in elementary school and I read all three sets, cover to cover, before I was in 3rd grade.

Some folks consider my stores of information to be improbable- people have been known to judge my abilities by their own ability to absorb and retain information. If they can't do it, they reckon no one can and thus go off on name-calling tangents ie. 'you're a know-it-all!', as if being ignorant is a good thing. :roll: I don't claim to know absolutely everything, though. However, what I don't know isn't usually very far away from me as I am a generally good researcher. The advent of the internet was manna from heaven for an infojunkie like me.

I don't know what causes a brain to work like mine; someone suggested that I may have some manner of autism spectrum disorder. It'd have to be some sort of aberration, but if it's a disability, I wish I had more like it. :lol: