HEY ALL YOU MORNING PEOPLE...will you read this please?


this is a question '' morning people ''...you know these guys and gals, wake up at 6 or 7 or 8 AM in the morning, feeling entirley refreshed, ready to go, happy, taklative etc i think you get the point...i was wondering if maybe you could help or give me some tips on becoming more of a ''morning person'' i try to stay in good health and although i dont excerise or anythin i do eat decently healthy, i try to lay down or go to bed at an early time as possible, get a full 8 hrs or MORE but no matter what time i wake up i always feel like SHIT..im always very tired, groggy, im a total dickhead, not talkative, un receptive, i HATE other people talking to me and bringing up what i think of is stupid shit, but its usually always ME that is being stupid...if i get up at like 8AM or 10ish im very bad, very much a dick and just am a plain asshole. tired, dont feel like getting out of bed let alone moving. if i wake up at like 12 or 2pm its a little better but not much and usualy for the first hour or so im up i am like that. how do you feel in the mornings? i understand all people are edgy in the morn or w.e. but im ESPECIALLY bad, even when i had a gf she would stay away from me in the morning time because she knew how i was.... is there anythin i can do to change this? i hate being an asshole and then when i finally even out hours later i look back on my words and actions and am disgusted with myself. any input really would be appreciated including tips or maybe why you think i might be like this. im sorry for the novel, its just hard to explain myself on a computer. thanks everyone!


Active Member
Lol im always grumpy and mad at everyone for no reason no matter how long or how late i wake up for the 1st like 20mins


Hey bro I go to sleep at around 7 everynight with my kids and I wake up at 6 or 7 and smoke a bowl or at least a couple hits and its all good.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what that means dude but i have a job...a great one...im just asking for some advice no need to be rude.. :(
My apologies for a quick and short answer and assuming..."if i get up at like 8AM or 10ish im very bad, very much a dick and just am a plain asshole. tired, dont feel like getting out of bed let alone moving. if i wake up at like 12 or 2pm its a little better but not much and usualy for the first hour or so im up i am like that."I know you said you don't exercise but that is a great way in the mornings to wake you up and get the day going. I don't know if there is something preventing you from exercising but I find a good run or walk in the mornings makes me feel great that day. I also find an apple gives me energy in the mornings if you're not a coffee drinker.


Well-Known Member
I usually just smoke a bowl of some good ol indica when I first wake up and turn on some family guy or american dad and kick back and relax for a bit in the mornings. Seems to work great for me.


Well-Known Member
Get a dog. Taking the dog out for a quick pee blows the cobwebs out, then home for a modest pipe and an immodestly strong coffee. :0


Well-Known Member
I think it just comes natural. I used to go to sleep at 3, 4, 5 in the morning every night but now I always wake up around 7-8. Sometimes even at 4-5.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I've tried for years to be a morning person but it just doesnt work.
It depends on our bodies clock whichever you were born with, morning or night person.


Well-Known Member
I definitely don't think you're born to a certain natural sleep schedule lol. My sleeping schedule has been all over the board if we were to graph it over my life. And I'm only 20.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what that means dude but i have a job...a great one...im just asking for some advice no need to be rude.. :(
Good for you wanting to be a better person! You are less of an asshole already...lol It's debatable but, what worked for me was, making the bed and going for a walk, no matter what, rain or shine. Then making coffee, etc,. You will hate it at times, so much in fact you will choose to be happy, just so you don't have to walk in the rain!! Give it a try for a month or two. Good Luck! A wise man once told me "life was a choice, choose to be happy".


Active Member
When I wake up I get a hot cup of coffe load in sugar and smoke a sativa dominant strain and smoke a cigarette and presto! We have a happy talkative energetic me early in the morning.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Good for you wanting to be a better person! You are less of an asshole already . Good Luck! A wise man once told me "life was a choice, choose to be happy".
It is wise to make the best of everyday. I agree with you there Paps, but.
How does getting up early make you a better person and less of an asshole?
I'm also 'left handed' though most of us are 'right handed' and have to get up in the morning either naturally or to kiss your bosses ass.
Should I cut off my evil left hand to be a "better person and less of a asshole"?
Happy Thanksgiving to all you RIU's.


Active Member
I go to bed before 10:00 pm. I wake around 4:00. While the coffee is making, I take my shower. I come down with my towel wrapped around me and pour my first cup. Heaven. My wife is still asleep, no nagging, no honey do things, just me, my coffee, and my book. On the week ends I also start with a good solid bake. Wake and bake is nice, when I do not have to go to work. By the time the wife gets up, I am ready to make her day nice. Try it for two weeks, and you will be hooked. BTW... I love the avitar!


Well-Known Member
It is wise to make the best of everyday. I agree with you there Paps, but. How does getting up early make you a better person and less of an asshole? I'm also 'left handed' though most of us are 'right handed' and have to get up in the morning either naturally or to kiss your bosses ass. Should I cut off my evil left hand to be a "better person and less of a asshole"? Happy Thanksgiving to all you RIU's.
The time of day some one gets out of bed has nothing to do with wanting to be a better person, the time of day some one decides to become a better person is what is important. The sooner in the day I can be happy the better.