Hey all! What's your preferred method for starting germinated seeds in rockwool in dwc/rdwc without a drip feed?


Well-Known Member
Hey all! What's your preferred method for starting germinated seeds in rockwool in dwc/rdwc without a drip feed? Do you let the water touch the bottom of the netpot with the bubbler misting the hydroton? Or keep an air gap between the water and netpots and top feed manually 2-3 tines a day? Or do you use a different method? And are there any tricks you use that improve your method? Fyi, I'm aware rockwool isn't the primo option, but it's the option I'm choosing to go with as I already purchased it.
I soak my seeds in a shot glass for about 18 hrs or a day. Sometimes they germinate in the shot glass but most of the time I get them planted in the rw before that happens. Either way I wait till I see nice furry roots out the bottom of the cube then it goes into the net pot. I let the water barely touch the bottom of the cube. You'll have roots to the bottom of the pot in a week. Then fill to your desired level... you can go less now or even a little more just try not to fill over the cube.
I soak my seeds in a shot glass for about 18 hrs or a day. Sometimes they germinate in the shot glass but most of the time I get them planted in the rw before that happens. Either way I wait till I see nice furry roots out the bottom of the cube then it goes into the net pot. I let the water barely touch the bottom of the cube. You'll have roots to the bottom of the pot in a week. Then fill to your desired level... you can go less now or even a little more just try not to fill over the cube.
From what I can gather, you keep the water level at the top of the hydroton layer so it's just barely touching the cube and let the cube wick up what it needs?
I haven't found a easier or more cost effective method. Rw is cheap and so is water... and being able to just add the cube to the netpot is so easy. I will say if you keep your cubes to wet and on a flat surface while they are not in the dwc you'll smother/drown the roots.

Make sure air can flow under the cube toO. I like to cut the bottom of a solo cup off and put a layer or 2 of hydroton in the cup and set the cube on the rocks.
From what I can gather, you keep the water level at the top of the hydroton layer so it's just barely touching the cube and let the cube wick up what it needs?
No that won't work the rocks will float. Cube goes in the very bottom of the pot. Add as much hydroton as u can but you'll have to top it off later.
I haven't found a easier or more cost effective method. Rw is cheap and so is water... and being able to just add the cube to the netpot is so easy. I will say if you keep your cubes to wet and on a flat surface while they are not in the dwc you'll smother/drown the roots.

Make sure air can flow under the cube toO. I like to cut the bottom of a solo cup off and put a layer or 2 of hydroton in the cup and set the cube on the rocks.
Thanks for sharing that knowledge man!
Sometime I do but still only a layer or 3 just to raise the cube a little. Makes it harder to find the right water level tho. You'll have a a shit load of rocks to pick out of your roots 2 doing it that way if you plan on reusing them. Also it makes the plant less stable in the pot... more likely to start trying to tip over if you add to much water. Plants seem more stable in the bottom of the net. Also avoid the big 12 inch net baskets... use the 6 inch. Way less Rock needed way easier to slide and look inside your buckets, plants are way more stable too.
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Sometime I do but still only a layer or 3 just to raise the cube a little. Makes it harder to find the right water level tho. You'll have a a shit load of rocks to pick out of your roots 2 doing it that way if you plan on reusing them. Also it makes the plant less stable in the pot... more likely to start trying to tip over if you add to much water. Plants seem more stable in the bottom of the net
Very useful info! Thanks again for sharing your method. You provided more knowledge than all my Google searches combined. Now, if I could only get back the hours I spent researching a topic that you answered in just minutes, lol.
Very useful info! Thanks again for sharing your method. You provided more knowledge than all my Google searches combined. Now, if I could only get back the hours I spent researching a topic that you answered in just minutes, lol.
I have a question for you. What are you gonna do oxygenat the water?
My system is a waterfall rdwc with air stones and I will be running sterile using H202 (extra oxygen).
The waterfall will likely be enough without the stones. Breaking the waters surface is the most effective method to oxygenat. If you use stones don't put them on your air line... just tie them to the end of the hose and use them as a sinker. Just let the big bubbles blow and break the waters surface 2... plus your stones will gunk up halfway thru your grow and be all tangled in roots and a be a bitch to deal with
The waterfall will likely be enough without the stones. Breaking the waters surface is the most effective method to oxygenat. If you use stones don't put them on your air line... just tie them to the end of the hose and use them as a sinker. Just let the big bubbles blow and break the waters surface 2... plus your stones will gunk up halfway thru your grow and be all tangled in roots and a be a bitch to deal with
It's a 5 x 12g tote system and only a 400gph pump for the waterfall. I don't have a chiller so supposedly the more air the better? My plan is to use the power of the airstone bubbles to help direct roots away from the 2" pipes connecting the totes. Please correct me if my method is flawed.
I don't use a chiller. Trust me their is plenty of air in the water. Don't overthink it. Refine what you do over time. But my grows got better using stones as sinkers and letting the air blow unrestricted and come up more aggressively in bigger bubbles
The roots are gonna chase those stones buddy and engulf them
I don't use a chiller. Trust me their is plenty of air in the water. Don't overthink it. Refine what you do over time. But my grows got better using stones as sinkers and letting the air blow unrestricted and come up more aggressively in bigger bubbles
You hit the nail on the head! I have been religiously overthinking things. Way too much time on google and in forums chasing knowledge just to second guess everything once another bit of knowledge becomes available. I'm that way with anything new that I attempt. Probably the side effect of years of keeping a saltwater reef tank, which requires constant research and a vast array of knowledge. Thanks again for all your advice! I'm gonna take a step back, smoke a bowl, and enjoy the journey.