Heroin Cookies


Well-Known Member
Now that I got your attention I was thinking of getting a good thread going of munchies now I know we've had a couple of them but I was thinking maybe actually have good stoner recipes and ways to make the food and yes you could make heroin cookies but here is a couple ideas

Cheese Melted on Waffles and no dont use syrup haha
Tortilla pizzas:
Put all your fave pizza stuff on these tortillas then after building your topping slap another tortilla on the top cook in the microwave then put it in the oven for a few minutes around 300 should do er. Soooo fuckin good


Well-Known Member
I don't know if there are or not, but seeing as how nobody else has said anything, I'm going guess that there isn't. if there are...... they don't want to admit it here i guess.


Well-Known Member
This might sound weird gross whatever. But its so dannnnnnk.
Get the frito tortilla scoop chips.
Then get marshmallows.
Put marshmallow on frito scoop.
Eat and enjoy.
We call them moops.


Well-Known Member
Damn i thought this was one of those crazy drug threads....

like Jenkems or Strawberry flavored meth rocks :/


Well-Known Member
fuck heroin ^^ fuck junky's .....


But your recipe sounds good ^^ * you just wanted our attention * i would of read it if you put the thread title of : Delicious Recipes

dr. green thumb

Active Member
no recipe and is for anybody even junkies lol go to the 99 cent store with 5 or 10 buks and buy everything that looks good eat it all at once im sure it will taste good as long as your high if your not it may not be that much fun.

or the best thing ever high or not wheat thins and easy cheez

or jus some brownies magic brownies or not they all taste good magic ones just have a lil kick to them