
Thank you bro its my mistake
Can anyone know any way to produce feamle seeds if i can !

If you're going to do it only do it with decent strains and good females or else it's not worth the time. Take clones from a good female. Spray one with a reversal solution and pollinate the other clone.

There are several ways to do this with an STS solution being most reliable and requiring much less spraying than colloidal silver. You can buy STS kits premade in 2 parts that you mix together but if you plan on doing this with any regularity in the future the best thing to do is buy the 2 chemicals and mix them yourself. All you do is mix the 2 chemicals with distilled water to make the 2 parts that you later mix together and then dilute to the strength you want. The chemicals you want are silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate. You can purchase enough of both for about the same price as one of those kits and have enough chemicals to reverse dozens of plants. There are already multiple threads about the process.
