hermies!! how do i use dutch masters reverse?


Well-Known Member
i noticed some fucking bananas so i went out to buy dutch masters reverse.
im not to clear on how to use it, do i do a complete foliar spray on the whole plant? or just target the male bananas/balls?


Active Member
I wish you had put this post up last night :) .. I just threw away 4 plants that hermied on me. But I caught it before the pollen sacs opened... I looked up the dutch masters reverse, I would have loved to at least try that and see if it worked. A couple of the plants only had 1 or two pollen sacs starting to form, I could have picked those off and sprayed the plants down with that reverse.

oh well now I've heard about it and will try it if I get hermies again. as far as how as how to use it I'm sure the bottle tells you how much to use. And I found this site for how to use it...


and this one

Was it a full blown hermy, or an inter-sex?
Hermy is genetic, intersexing is a stress problem
Aspirin does wonders at keeping you ladies from stressing to much
It works on humans and pot!!!!
Ps did you read the label?


Well-Known Member
Spray the entire plant once, and again 10 days later. Be sure to correct any stress that caused the plant to hermie in the first place, or else reverse will have little effect. If you correct the stress first, reverse works beautifully.


Well-Known Member
dammit, so i have to get the fucking DM saturator too? shit.

anyway, im not sure if its a genetic herm or if i stressed it too much.