HERMIES??? Advice needed....

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
My first DWC grow from bagseed and I think a few of the flowers near the bottom of the plant are starting to hermi? Hard as hell to get decent pics but here goes...

12-1 Hermi 004.jpg12-1 Hermi 002.jpg12-1 Hermi 001.jpg12-1 Hermi 003.jpg12-102.jpg

They are starting their 5th wk of flower. It was bagseed. The main colas aren't showing these seed like husks... yet... I've pulled a couple off and there is nothing inside that I can tell from crushing it in my fingers.... Am I freakin or are they starting to hermi on me??? If they are hermies can I flush them for a wk to save something (main colas were starting to look real nice and could probably get an ounce if I harvested now)


New Member
i see no signs of hermie in pics leave it alone r u sure u r not fucking up calyx's
do u have other plants in grow with it


Ive dealt with hermies in the past, so i can totally sympathize with your situation..
From the pictures you posted, it doesnt look like that particular plant itself is herming - but rather, got pollinated..
You can see the swollen calyxes and pods that would hold a would-be seed.. kind of like a womb. This is why they are empty.
What that means is that one of your other plants probably hermed, and pollinated this one...
With a garden in this situation, plants that develop the seed pods like in your pictures wont always form seeds.
Sometimes they will simply stay hollow, and ripen with empty pods.. Other times, the seeds will fully form.
If youre lucky, most of your plants will show no signs at all, but in your case the best thing to do is identify the culprit.
Try to find the plant (or plants) that hermed, and either remove them from the garden, or carefully remove their flowers.
You can also try using a product made by DutchMasters called "Reverse", which could help eliminate un-wanted male flowers.
Aside from that, you should try as hard as you can to eliminate the root of the problem, which in most cases is stress-related.
Environmental conditions such as the room being too hot, or fluctuating temperatures/humidity (among other things),
can easily cause your girls to herm. Photoperiod stress, and even nutritional stress can also lead to some hermies..
So do your best to maintain a nice steady environment, as well as a well-balanced nutrient solution, and you'll be golden!
Hopefully this helps a little bit.. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Being that your five weeks in I would just let them finish hermie or not. Unless you have other females coming in behind those that you are worried about. You can have a few seeds and still have good potency.

Also the Dutch Masters reverse works well, but I think your a bit too far along for that to help now. I usually spray a plant that I don't know the sex of right as I stick it in flower and then 1 more time about two weeks later.

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
i see no signs of hermie in pics leave it alone r u sure u r not fucking up calyx's
do u have other plants in grow with it
Well thats good news and No I'm not sure... There are a total of 5 plants left the other 6 were males and one was a runt that did definently hermie (had ballls hangin everywhere off the flowers) .. I caught it before it pollinated, so I thought....

Ive dealt with hermies in the past, so i can totally sympathize with your situation..
From the pictures you posted, it doesnt look like that particular plant itself is herming - but rather, got pollinated..
You can see the swollen calyxes and pods that would hold a would-be seed.. kind of like a womb. This is why they are empty.
What that means is that one of your other plants probably hermed, and pollinated this one...
With a garden in this situation, plants that develop the seed pods like in your pictures wont always form seeds.
Sometimes they will simply stay hollow, and ripen with empty pods.. Other times, the seeds will fully form.
If youre lucky, most of your plants will show no signs at all, but in your case the best thing to do is identify the culprit.
Try to find the plant (or plants) that hermed, and either remove them from the garden, or carefully remove their flowers.
You can also try using a product made by DutchMasters called "Reverse", which could help eliminate un-wanted male flowers.
Aside from that, you should try as hard as you can to eliminate the root of the problem, which in most cases is stress-related.
Environmental conditions such as the room being too hot, or fluctuating temperatures/humidity (among other things),
can easily cause your girls to herm. Photoperiod stress, and even nutritional stress can also lead to some hermies..
So do your best to maintain a nice steady environment, as well as a well-balanced nutrient solution, and you'll be golden!
Hopefully this helps a little bit.. good luck!
Yes, helped a lot and am also glad what I thought were male flowers... your not seeing :) I got a lot to learn...This is my first grow and the problems were numerous so finding the culprit may be impossible in this case...

So, I hope I just got paranoid but only time will tell... IF they did hermie I'll flush them for a week and smoke em anyway :)


New Member
just keep a watch on them and when u find one separate but since u got them in one dwc i think if u get a hermie kill it it will fuck up others but i think u r just paranoid relax bro

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
Being that your five weeks in I would just let them finish hermie or not. Unless you have other females coming in behind those that you are worried about. You can have a few seeds and still have good potency.
Thanks for the reply. I do have feminized WW and NL vegging in the room next door.... There in veg. so as long as I do a good cleaning after harvest I should be ok... or...???


New Member
as long as exhaust isnt lnk to other grow area u r fine
but i dont see a hermie and if it is a pollenized fem then it wont harm others


New Member
i dont see anything
the only thing i might see is a seed in the 3rd pic,but only u can tell

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
as long as exhaust isnt lnk to other grow area u r fine
but i dont see a hermie and if it is a pollenized fem then it wont harm others
Cool!!! After doing a little research on calx and what they look like I pretty much feel like an idiot... LOL... Glad I didn't tear em all off, only a couple...

Back to doing the happy dance :) for now neway.......

Thanks All for the response's!!!!


Well-Known Member
on the last picture if you squeeze those (which u normally never want to do) and they are hard then obviously there is a seed in it and something has gone wrong.. dono how it all exactly can happen/work but just thot id comment due to fab's interest lol.. (previous posts are far more help)


New Member
if u want to add me so u can find me to ask more advice if need be feel free
but im not hard to find im all over riu just ask anyone if they seen fab lol


Well-Known Member
you are just freaking out. Worried about your little girls getting knocked up just like any parent would. Those are not hermies.


New Member
now maybe he can sleep tonite as long as that bad hermie has his girls home by 12 jk

you are just freaking out. Worried about your little girls getting knocked up just like any parent would. Those are not hermies.

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me. Like Moash said, maybe 1 in 3rd pic, but I see plump Calyx's.
Thanks for looking and taking the time to post.. It's appreciated!!

you are just freaking out. Worried about your little girls getting knocked up just like any parent would. Those are not hermies.
Yeah, I was freakin... Thank god for this site or I would have pulled all my calx off... lmao... There everywhere now....

now maybe he can sleep tonite
Before I posted this I was ready to cut them down. After all I went through being it my first indoor grow I was pretty depressed... Stayed up all night nourishing, admiring and talking to the girls... Slept good the next night though :)

Now to try and figure out how much longer till I start to flush... My NL is about ready for the flower room and I have no room... I'd hate to have to sacrifice one... They are in their 5th week and with no idea of the strain its gonna be a craps shoot as to when to start flushing... using gh 3 part so would like to flush for 2 wks... The buds are looking nice but think they have a ways to go. I'd like to see them at least twice as big...

Thanks again everyone for helping me out!!!