Hermie, what to do with it?


Active Member
I was just checking my plants out and I see one that is starting to pop a banana out of the top bud site. What should I do with this plant? It is in the middle of week 4 of flower and I do not want it to pollinate my other plants. I have read about making hash out of it but not sure that is the best option because its only 4 weeks in. It is a jackberry plant and flowering is about 8-9 weeks and the leaves are pretty frosty and could turn into some good hash. If I make hash this early will it still be great hash? This is my first experience with a hermie so I am not quite sure what the best option would be. I also believe this plant hermied due to stress and it is not genetic.


Well-Known Member
How many nanners do you have? Jackberry is not known to hermie much so it could be just a stress hermie. If this is true, pick out all your nanners and watch closely, if it is caused by stress you might get lucky and the nanners stop if the stress is stopped. after you have checked all factors of your grow and still see nanners, cut in a hurry.
hash is an option
sorry for a loss of jackberry, really good strain


Active Member
If you have other plants flowering you should isolate the hermy then wait as long as you can to harvest. The hash you make now wouldn't be as much or potent as if you waited another few weeks.


Active Member
from what i saw there is only one banana currently trying to poke out of the top of the main bud site, it is very small and i dont see anymore. i guess i will try to pluck it off and then watch it everyday and see what happens with it. i have other flowering plants around so i will have to watch this carefully.


Well-Known Member
How many other females do you have? You have to weigh your options. If you want seedless bud without having to stress over plucking banners off a plant every day, sacrifice it.


Active Member
I have 7 other females to worry about so scrapping the one plant is not that big of a deal. I will pull the banana off when lights come on and look for more and watch it every day and if i see more bananas poping out then i will chop it. I just wanted to see what would be good to do with it because the leaves are pretty frosty and could make hash. I am just not sure how it would turn out or if it would be worth the effort to make some bubble hash. I dislike making bubble hash so i would only want to make it if it was going to be good.