Hermie... Well this is different..


Well-Known Member
I have had hermies before but never had a plant with an all female branch and all male branch... Pics show it all. What causes the weird sex split?? Instead of the buds growing a few male parts...image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
While cannabis is a dioecious plant (male and female flowers on different plants) some show monoecious tendencies, like yours, i.e. male and female flowers on same (mono) plant, but separately. Whether that is because it actually has monoecious behavior genetically or it just happened to herm (earlier) partly and just happened to grow out like that...who knows... (nobody).


bud bootlegger
that is a true hermie plant, not one caused by stress or what have you, but caused from the genetics..
i think it's called a monoecious hermie.. here's a cnp job below..

A “monoecious” hermaphrodite cannabis plant will show fully formed pollen sacs on some parts of the plant, but will be growing buds on other parts of the plant. Generally, a monoecious hermaphrodite plant does not have both male and female parts growing from the same place (often referred to a “bisexual” flowers) - they will have fully formed male parts in some places, and fully formed female parts in others.

from here..

that's a pretty good read on hermies in case you're interested in learning more.. :D


bud bootlegger
While cannabis is a dioecious plant (male and female flowers on different plants) some show monoecious tendencies, like yours, i.e. male and female flowers on same (mono) plant, but separately. Whether that is because it actually has monoecious behavior genetically or it just happened to herm (earlier) partly and just happened to grow out like that...who knows... (nobody).
lol, you must've been typing that up at the same time i was, lol.. :D


Well-Known Member
the herm part sucks but I bet it looks cool.

here's a question. Everyone knows you can stress one of your girls to through out nanners.
but could stress a male to start making female parts ?


Well-Known Member
the herm part sucks but I bet it looks cool.

here's a question. Everyone knows you can stress one of your girls to through out nanners.
but could stress a male to start making female parts ?
No theyre too manly, just throw out twice as many balls :)

Haha sry im really high

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Well-Known Member
Very interesting guys!! I learned something new today. Thank you all!!! Now I decided to chop the male branch and let the female grow. Now I'm guessing that will cause them female part to Hermie...?? All I know is I want some bud... Although it may have seed and reduced yield. I just want some personal smoke. Now I do have one other seedling going at the moment. I plan to start more and find a good mother for my perpetual grow that will start in a few months. Stay posted.. Stay High!! Please reply!!! Lol check out https://www.rollitup.org/t/2014-cfl-grow.833531/#post-10655274


Well-Known Member
Lol...ya that's a full on hermie and is very rare if you are choosing from good breeders.. nothing good can come of it, you need to chop the whole thing and either protect the other females or start all over... If that is your only plant sorry to hear that but live and learn never run just one


Well-Known Member
have you ever had a male become a hermie....I have heard of this but have never seen any pic's
Personally no. It would be odd if I would have, because if the ratio would be the same as for the females I've flowered (which I'm not claiming it is, just saying it could be) then I would have seen about 0.02 male hermies now. Males are often removed quickly at the first signs of flowering, who knows what some of all those culled males would have turned in to.

Plenty of pics on the web though (try google for 'backward hermie' or 'reverse hermie' or just male hermie), and some breeders actually do it on purpose to test (smoke) a male. DJ Short calls them jewels even supposedly they create more female offspring, if not sterile (I don't believe the former).

The thing is, you can never really tell if it's a male that hermied, or was a masculine female, i.e. a female that committed to expressing itself as a male first, despite having female sex genes.

This line sums it up nicely: "The sexual phenotype of Cannabis often shows some flexibility leading to the differentiation of hermaphrodite flowers or bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype)." (src: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10681-004-4758-7 )

Without lab analysis it's simply impossibly to determine with certainty whether it's a male that turned partly female or a female that expressed itself as male first or is just completely confused and spawns both parts mixed at the same time.

Also note they specifically say "hermaphrodite flowers" (male and female in same flower cluster) and "bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype)" which is what the OP has.

Actual "hermaphrodite plants" have messed up sex genes (more than two alleles) and to my knowledge (which means little) have only been detected in hemp strains decades ago. Which is why I always have difficulty with "real hermie", because there's no such thing in practice, they are female or males that spawned herma / bisexual flowers.

So, no, it's not really a herma in the OP, not hermie flowers, nor hermie plant, it's a female with bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype). Which yes, we all call hermie anyway, which is fine as it really doesn't matter what type of hermie it is (according to a similar research paper there are 5 types, perhaps another time :) ).
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Well-Known Member
Lol...ya that's a full on hermie and is very rare if you are choosing from good breeders.. nothing good can come of it, you need to chop the whole thing and either protect the other females or start all over... If that is your only plant sorry to hear that but live and learn never run just one
I normally would never just run one but truly I just wanted to see something green growing... It brightens up my day you know... It's very therapeutic and puts me in a good mood. Plus if I get a little bit of bud then great. I need to get my other setup fully functioning. I am planning on getting a 400 watt and better ventilation.


Well-Known Member
A word only takes on the meaning given to it.. the phrase real hermie has taken on a meaning that makes the statement true. Most plants will throw a sack here or there if left too long so a few sacks in your bud has been looked at as not a full on true hermie whereas the rare full plant right from the beginning hermie is referred to as a true herm, this is for differentiation purposes and has come to mean what we want it to regardless of symantecs..


Well-Known Member
A word only takes on the meaning given to it..... has come to mean what we want it to regardless of symantecs.
That sounds convenient. :lol:

The OP asked what caused the sex split, in which case making the distinction between monoecious trait and hermaphrodite is not just a matter of semantics (which wouldn't work with 'true' anyway, if you say true it better be true). Call it whatever you want how often you want, for all practical purposes they should be treated the same, but it's not going to become a true herma in any sense of the word. It's the lack of proper terminology combined with a lack of knowledge and the stoner lingo that keeps so many in the dark about hermies.


Well-Known Member
Not really you could have just said genetics caused it instead of calling out the Symantecs of what i and others said.. As you say yourself doesn't really matter what kind of hermie it is, which you say only lines after saying it isn't a hermie at all... what people are differentiating between when saying full hermie is not where the sacks are forming to decide if it's actually a scientific hermaphrodite, its simply a way to differentiate between a plant that will continue to throw balls in abundance and a plant that let's out a few pollen sacks and won't be a problem to you


Well-Known Member
Not really you could have just said genetics caused it instead of calling out the semantics of what i and others said..
So what exactly is your problem, me being too specific for you or calling out the semantics of what you said... "True hermie' is a misnomer for this plant, nothing personal :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's cool no problem just got a little under my skin because you are being a nicker.. I don't expect you to understand what that means but trust me you qualified


Well-Known Member
I don't expect you to understand
Is that one of those words you repeated so many times to give it a meaning :lol: Let's see if I understand:

It's cool no problem just got a little under my skin because I derive my self-esteem from being able to grow a plant that pretty much grows itself, and then when it turns out I've just been parroting the same old forum lingo that is simplified to a point where it's just flat out wrong, I get butthurt.
Fixed that for ya. And it's ok, I see it every day, comes with being intellectual honest (the proper term... ;) see link in sig) in a cannabis forum. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh hahahaha now i have to show this to a mutual friend of the nicker because you are just driving my point home..