Hermie questions.


Yep so i may have fucked up my entire crop which would be a shame. not quite sure as this is only my second grow. ive honestly never seen a male. i just get clones from friends. So... i noticed little tiny sacks that kind of look like bananas i read a post with some people callin the male signs of sex bananas. they are located right under a lot of the flowers and are little sacks shaped like bananas. one thing to keep in mind. there are hairs coming out of these, and i just dosed all the plants with a full strength Mother of All Blooms with 3 tsps / gallon of clear ex. We hit week six today... so they are getting near the end. Today upon noticing these little sacks i said fuck it and went and bought that reverse stuff from dutch master. sprayed em pretty tough an hour before the lights turned on (used green light) and turned the heater on leaving the room at 77 instead of the normal night temp of 65. my biggest questions. male sex parts on the plant wouldnt have hairs coming out of them would they? Does this reverse stuff really work? guy at the hydro store was iffy about it, he said hes got some super old time guys that use it religiously at week 2 for peace of mind, but wasnt sure how well it would actually reverse the hermi situation i may be in. ill try and get some pics up. the only reason they may have seeds would be a light leak from the veg room or the fact that the first week of flower had temps of around 95 degrees, and they got bushmastered directly after. got some midgets on my hands but they are super dense bomb (seedy?) nugs.


well... answered my own questin. found some seeds starting when i was takin pictures... bummer. next question. should i go and remove all these starting seed sacks? this will be a good test for that dutch master stuff i guess... 55 black berry kush plants all starting to hermie... awesome.

6 x 600w (all lumatek ballasts) 4 lumatek 600w bulbs 2 sli bulbs. per gal-- general organics 3tsp biothrive + snowstorm 1tsp, hydroplex 1/2 tsp, calmag 1 tsp, molassis drip, started using mother of all bloom at 1.5 tsp per 5 gallons and flushing with 3tsp per gallon last watering will probably do a 1/4 strength feeding next time of its normal flowering mix. There are a few Og Kush and 1 or two hazes in there mostly bbk though you can see i put the pheno that turns super purple on the left tray a lot of the all green plants on the right are still bbk but not really turnin that purp


Well-Known Member
i haven't used DM reverse, but my understanding is it's to be used early, not late, in flower
not sure if any harm, but probably won't do much good at this point


Well-Known Member
thoose aint hermys mate, they are girls what you are showing are calyxes (pre flowers)... looking good..

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
thoose aint hermys mate, they are girls what you are showing are calyxes (pre flowers)... looking good..
Agreed - those plants are all female. The old female preflowers often cause confusion because they are seperate from the main bud development.
A couple of points to remember is that male flowers do not have hairs coming from the top and male flowers do not have trichomes on their surface.
If you pull one of the old preflowers from the plant and disect it, you will find a small undeveloped seed attached to the end of the hair.


Well-Known Member
Show us some more pics of the "bananas" you are seeing. I should be able to tell w/o much trouble. I dont see where you think you see seeds forming btw, i see swollen caylxes. Totally normal. You'll see caylxes not really in flower clusters on the plant.