Hermie Question?


If your plant turns Hermie does it stop producing THC? As well as does that mean that it has been pollinated, or there is pollen around?

I know plants can turn hermie just before harvest from stress, just want to make sure there isn't any pollen floating around.

I haven't found any Male with "hooks" or banana's. And was wondering if they can turn hermie without getting pollinated?

Thanks for any feedback,



There is a lot of discussion on this. I've had Femaleseeds.nl stuff throw a single banana or two that I didnt find till harvest, and no seeds. The bud was amazing still. Then I've heard very legitimate smokers I know have a clone line finally hermie out, and the bud was a lot different, not as good.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
There is an interesting recent thread about this in which people tell about harvesting dank bud from hermies which they
say is just as good.

dimebong is 100% right! Hermaphrodites will produce VERY good MJ, just like any other female plant (I've grown Hermaphrodites all the way too harvest). In my research, and I did a TON of it, some experienced growers feel that Herm MJ can actually be more potent than regular or non-hermed MJ. Reason; they are SURVIVORS! Think about nature; where are the largest fucking bears, fish, and moose in the World? Alaska! Think about it...

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Hermie can be brought by pollination or stress. I had 1 greenhouse white widow and 1 world of seeds diamond line Madness. After harvest I lowered lights and stressed for a few months. This helped to get the lower bud sites mature and also turned them Hermie. I got about 18 mature seeds from madness and 6 from widow. Original seeds were fems. The madness smoke was the best I've personally grown so far.


Thanks guys, +rep. I was a little nervous about harvesting them, so many different opinions about this topic. But so far so good, 3 days and I have 4 plants trimmed and drying and 5 to go :S, so much work by yourself lol but what a satisfying one at that!

Merry Christmas guys!