Hermie Question

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
Ok, I've just sexed my plants, and I have a few questions if someone with some experience and insight can help me out here.

9 out of 12 plants ended up being female, they all have the female alternating branch pattern as well which makes me think they are genetically female. And all were started from bag seed, found them in bags of dank that I've had over the last few years. Any time I found seeds it was only like 1 seed per ounce of bud.

Question 1: The guy at my hydro store freaked me out bad when he said that if it came from dank, it's a hermie. He said it with unwavering dedication that every plant from a bag of danks with only a few seeds in it will be a hermie 100%. Is this true??

Question 2: If the plants are hermie, how bad can I expect the pollination to be? Will my bud be totally full of seeds?

Just wanted to point out that some of the plants have a decent amount of pistils showing already from 10 days of 12/12, and I haven't seen a single banana. Should I not even be worried if this is the case?


Well-Known Member
He has a point but isnt 100% right. MOST of the time if you find a seed in your bag its prob hermie. However a lot of people like me make seeds on a few buds onpurpose with true males. When you do that it is almost inevitable that a stray seed or two will pop up elsewhere in the grow from loose pollen. So it is possible to get good seed from bag weed.

Also just because a plant hermied and made seeds it isnt absolutely certain that every seed with carry that trait although its very likely.

Some hermie plants produce excellent bud. If you arent growing expensive seeds out and dont need to sell your crop then grow them out. Keep a close eye for bananas and male flowers and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
no they wont all be hermies but the trait is in there so be careful and yes if it hermise and pollinates it can and most probably will pollinate the whole lot.....buy dutch master revers and spray the fuck out of them, its an anti-hermie cure , and it works well, ive saved over a dozen plants for myself and friends with it, heres a cpl of links on both hermies and dutch master reverse

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
no they wont all be hermies but the trait is in there so be careful and yes if it hermise and pollinates it can and most probably will pollinate the whole lot.....buy dutch master revers and spray the fuck out of them, its an anti-hermie cure , and it works well, ive saved over a dozen plants for myself and friends with it, heres a cpl of links on both hermies and dutch master reverse
I've been doing quite a bit of research on the subject. It seems that this product will not at all reverse genetic hermies, only stress induced.

I'm moving in May of 2013 so I have to finish my grow by then, I think I may start over with feminized seeds since I am growing to sell. I'm just afraid that if I grow it out that I'll have a ton of seeds everywhere. But at the same time I cant afford to lose valuable time. I'm really stuck!!!!


Active Member
He has a point but isnt 100% right. MOST of the time if you find a seed in your bag its prob hermie. However a lot of people like me make seeds on a few buds onpurpose with true males. When you do that it is almost inevitable that a stray seed or two will pop up elsewhere in the grow from loose pollen. So it is possible to get good seed from bag weed.

Also just because a plant hermied and made seeds it isnt absolutely certain that every seed with carry that trait although its very likely.

Some hermie plants produce excellent bud. If you arent growing expensive seeds out and dont need to sell your crop then grow them out. Keep a close eye for bananas and male flowers and enjoy.
sorry to intrude but what are bananas im new to these growing terms??


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me what the "hermie trait" is? I hear this a lot and no one can explain it or back it up with anything.

Actual hermaphrodites do not happen a lot in most stabilized varieties. By hermaphrodite I mean a plant that shows male and female flowers from the beginning and has an X and Y chromosome.

Most bagseed is not from a hermaphrodite with male and female flowers. Most bag seed is the result of a female plant being stressed to the point it throws out male flowers. The resulting seeds are feminized and will not be any more likely to turn "hermie" due to stress than the plants they came from.

If the seeds were produced by an actual hermaphrodite, that shows both flowers and has an X and Y chromosome, the resulting seeds will be either male, female or hermaphrodite.


Well-Known Member
Reading your post again, it sounds like you may have seeds from a hermaphrodite. There is a distinct possibility that some of your female seeds may be shemales.

Hermaphrodites put out balls.


Well-Known Member
I'm not scared of bag seeds
It's how you got seeds in the old days.
I've grown hermi seed many times.
And iveNever had one hermi that was from a hermi plant?! B
Last hermie was a dna sharks breath.
Since then I've ran 7-8 of those Herman SB seeds and never seen a nanner?

Usualy hermi balls don't fully pollenate a plant.
Light seeds, no biggie IMHO.
Often the pollen isn't even viable and you get no seeds.

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
Reading your post again, it sounds like you may have seeds from a hermaphrodite. There is a distinct possibility that some of your female seeds may be shemales.

Hermaphrodites put out balls.
Out of curiosity what makes you think they are from a hermaphrodite? Each seed is from a different bag also.

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
Usualy hermi balls don't fully pollenate a plant.
Light seeds, no biggie IMHO.
Often the pollen isn't even viable and you get no seeds.
That answers my question, if they are hermie I will pick out the bananas as i see them and hope the reverse helps with the rest. I feel the same way about a few seeds, if its dank its dank... I don't mind picking a bean out of a bowl every now and then if the smoke is worth it.


Active Member
have you guys had a problem with plants from a fem. seed herming. i recently grew out a freeby i got when i ordered my regular seeds, its power plant it took forever to finish but then it has hella seeds in it. its good smoke though grown in super soil. is this common? are the seeds good?