Hermie question


Active Member
Hello, i just have a question, are female plants supose to be growing little balls whut so ever? like could it just be forming bud or what? cause my 1 plant has been flowering for awhile now and on its crown it has TON's of white pistils shooting out as well as on the node under it. but under that node and there are "balls" that are clumping together, some bigger than others. is this a hermie? :'( if so is it ok that i snip the balls off to still try to flower my plant? id really hate to kill it :(


Well-Known Member
welll pics would help and if it is hermie you still will get smoke. I had hermie probs before and I did several things to learn . So first off I would need to see pics and the ballls could be bud forming (not sure the exact name) Sometimes I am like shit i have seeds but it is just the budd swelling etc.

good luck


Active Member
i cant get pictures :( but im not sure if it would be bud forming :/ its like a clump of balls not just 1 but up to 3 clumping together right beside eachother on alot of nodes. ive never seen bud that looks like a bunch of balls next to each other :( this stinks


Well-Known Member
yeah probabbly a hermie do you have hairs as well coming out all over the place? If not you may just have a male


Active Member
theres hairs coming out everywere!! this stinks tho because most people i talk to say that the smaller of the plants that are like scrawny and little during veg but healthy, are the females, and my other plant has preflowers that make me think its female as well :/ just no hairs yet :( it would kill me to have to kill ol sheila but i dont want to see my other female :( GRR :(


Well-Known Member
preflowers are hairs which would indicate a female, a "preflower" without a hair would be a male preflower


Well-Known Member
thats emo dude

he didnt say he was cutting their little stem wrists.

and dude, last time, that hermie is like an atomic bomb of pollen. it will seed anything around it. put that herm, in a big garbage big, tie it off, and dont open it again till your outside.


Well-Known Member
are the balls everywhere or just certain branches? I say cut them all off and see what happens but from experience these things usualy turn out bad . you wouldnt want to polinate your other babies .

sorry iu cant help more........we need pics


Well-Known Member
yeah then get rid of it . I had one like that and I left it thinking it was just a different strain, hoping for the best and next thing I knew it pollinayed my whole crop. Just get rid of it. Dont waste your precious time.........


Well-Known Member
its a joke i use emo meaning emotional its emo to have to cut any of your babies down you fed them took care of them now you gotta say bye, pretty damn emo if you ask me haha. i got a bunch of feminized seeds and now that there just about ready to harvest alot of nugs have seeds in them, im thinking WTF? is that normal? can i germinate these seeds at least?