Hermie question


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 2nd grow and I got a Hermie and got rid of it (think it was because of light leak and fixed it) now 9 days into flowering.

Now i think i found another. Is it common for a hermie to show both sexes on the same node at this early flowering?? or am I parinoid and those are probly female flowers forming?


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to bump so soon, but this question is killing me and I cant find this answer through google.


Well-Known Member
I have had only hermie but what I thought could be male flowers ended up being preflowers that just hadnt shot their pistols out yet. feel safe with letting a hermie go a few weeks to see what it does if you get more balls form or crowns (balls as flowers then you know what it is, but 1 ball or what looks like a ball doesnt justify throwing it.


Well-Known Member
yes bagseed :(, BUT I didn't want to waist the good seeds until I knew for sure what I was doing.


Well-Known Member
That bag seed ya got has the hermie trait. So at times even in the perfect conditions they hermie. Your seeds probably came froma bag with like 1 seed or 2. Or ya collected them over some time.


Active Member
My first grow I had 5. One was def a hermi but i think i killed 3 females cause i was paranoid of any little balls but i also saw them on my one remaining female a few days later. I let her go and def a female now so lowryder is spot on i think :)


Well-Known Member
also for hermies they have some enzyme spray you can order that stops producing male flowers/pollen...I forget what its called and its lost somewhere in my inboxes. You can do a quick google search and find it Im sure. GL


Well-Known Member
This sucks, just killed a Hermie and a Male, out of the 7 original i now think I have 2 females (just 1 is 2' and the other is about 3') but I hope this holds, It was probly the crappy bag seed I used. My 1st grow I used the same bagseed and got 1fem and 3 males.
MY next grow will be with proper seeds I just didn't want to spend the money on good seeds until I though I had it righ.
Buy my PH is cool my nutes and soil are good (FFOF with FF nutes) and I now have the room 100% lightproof and the temps are around 80 and humidity is 45. I hope these girls go ok so I have some smoke for the next grow