Hermie question

Hi every one
Im a new grower and im in week 4 of flowering feminosed green gelato seed
All good until i saw some hermies in 3 of my plants i have a total of 24
I removed them by hand bow knowing what it was
Now that i know im afraid all my worl will go to waste
Is there any way for me to make profit ,
Is hervesting before the seeds create gonna help me
I wamt to hervest before the seeds create and sell it
When do the seeds create my bud
Sorry for my broken english but i really need help
I would really appreciate it



Active Member
You'd have to separate them I'd just toss the 3 esp if you have 28,just keep an eye on the rest it depends if you want seeded up buds?if your plant hermied that quick into flower id just toss em


Well-Known Member
No i dont want seeds i want normal buds to sell
Is it too late for it now?
You have seeds on that plant in the picture yes. You can harvest those plants before the seeds fully develop, they will be little white pods.....but you would have to pull very early before the plant matures and you wont like the final product. But if you keep those hermies in the room with your other plant they will polinate the other plants and you will seed your entire crop. I would trash them ASAP