Hermie question. Professionall help needed!! A,s,a,p


Well-Known Member
I have a question to ask i was wondering if you disturb your little girls for a little while in there sleeping period can that lttle bit of light for that brief of a time effect them and make them hermie?

I do occasionally check the girls at night to see temp/humidity make sure everything is ok.

I was checking one of girls the other day and all looked normal i was looking real close and bam! Pollen sac on the main stalk i dont know how or why it was there but i checked all the other plants and nothing just that one plant with one single pollen sac.

My girls are entering week four flowering and i am wondering if this issue will get worse?

Or if it wont, i just simply pulled it off and discarded of it.

Could my brief moments disturbing my plants sleep do this?

And i know for a gact they dont have a light leek.

Any help greatly appreciated!!! Please help


Well-Known Member
its really a bad idea to disturb them at all. ive read that anything more than 2 minutes of light during dark time can cause hermies. no way to tell if they'll get any worse just watch em very closely but only during lights on.


Active Member
Disturbing them with light in the dark cycle can hermie them but you can buy a green light and work at night with no problems