Hermie problem with purple powers


Basically I have two purple powers growing outdoor. both in their 4th week of flowering. They are both looking really good. The larger one is fully purple and the other has amazing pinky purple pistils.

I checked them today and realised they are both hermie. pretty gutted about that. Some of the pollen sacs have already opened and its inevitable that the buds are gonna get seeded at some point. already seen a few seed pods growing in some of the buds.

They are not fully developed yet and are only slightly frosted but look real good.

My question is, do I pull them now before I get proper seeds in the bud or wait until they are more devloped and the pistils go brown. Will they get even more potent even though seeds start to grow or will potency decrease?




ahh thats shit man unlucky ;( any pics ? any way let them seed and you will have plenty of seeds to try again .


Well-Known Member
I would let them finish even though they are hermie. I had one before and tried to pull out the pollen sacs and it helped a little bit. Is that the only 2 babies you got? Yeah let them finish....I'm not sure how it effects potency but it will focus a bit on creating the seeds.


cheers for the replies guys. Yeah, probably better let them finish then. Just dont know to what extent the seed growth will be. I read somewhere that seed growth reduces overall potency by upto 60%. Not sure if thats true. Hope not because purple power isnt too potent in the first place. Ive also got a grapefruit growing but its taking ages and probably wont finish properly in time so gonna have to pull that one early anyway. Gonna leave the purple powers another week to fatten out and then gonna pull them.


Well-Known Member
A seed in a calyx effects that calyxs performance on thc production. Rather than making thc it focuses on making the seed. The calyx that resides next to it may not have a seed in it...the potency of this calyx should not be affected as it is not harboring a seed. Just to back up a step, a calyx is at the base of the two pistils (hairs). Continue to pull of male parts...look into a product called Dutch Masters Reverse...Ive heard good and bad results from it. Have not used it first hand so I cannot tell you for sure. I went and bought some but directions say apply first week and then 10 days after. I am well beyond that point...it may be something you want to keep around for next time this happens. It is supposed to stop male flowers from forming on females....and rendering any pollen non-viable. Ive noticed that the females male flowers tend to not pollinate as well as the males flowers do. Pick the seeds out and smoke em....you will also have feminized seeds (but with increased hermie potential)

Water will also render any pollen non viable. Hermies are only a problem if there are non hermies around and you mind a few seeds here and there. Just keep an eye out and pull them flowers/bananas. It is much easier to remove seeds after they have developed....I enjoy removing them early while i mess around in the garden...I eat them as well...tasty and nutritious.


wicked. cheers aeviaanah. I will keep picking off those pollen sacs. Its hard to find some when they are near the larger buds. most of the pollen sacs are just hanging off the main stem. only seen about 4 on each plant so hopefully the pollen spread isnt too extensive. Bit of a shame cos I was looking forward to some dank purple sensi. probably wont be the case anymore. oh well. Its my first time growing. things have gone well so far so still happy.


Well-Known Member
Take this for instance...If a bud has 100 calyxs' on it and you find one seed. In theory you have only lost 1 percent thc. 99 of the calyxs' are still the same as they would have been without the seed. A few seeds here and there wont affect final product by much. A fully seeded bud is a different story...


Active Member
that sucks, but think about it like this, you'll still have a shit load of "free' bud, even if it isn't that dope. still a win.
and make sure that grapefruit doesn't catch some pollen


sorry to start up this thread again but im curious. I found a couple more pollen sacs on my smaller plant today. I picked them off and saw that there were infact a couple pistils sticking out of them. It seemed like it was half calyx, half pollen sac. Do you reckon this would mean that any pollen produced was ineffective?


Active Member
i'm not sure, but i think if pollens produced than its good. I dont think there what be ineffective pollen, but i'm not sure, interesting.