Hermie Problem! Need Ideas!


Hey every-one. This is my first thread on this site. And from the info. i've got from the threads i have been following, i feel confident i'll find the answer to the question i have now. I've got three female clones that have been in 12/12 for over 11 wks. now. The problem is..suddenly they are starting to show some seed developement!!%#*&! I've read somewhere that these seeds should'nt produce any pollen. Is that true? And what do you think could have caused them to develope? Also, i still don't see any amber trichomes yet, But at this point would you go and harvest now? Note: These plants were cloned from some bag seed plants that turned out pretty Dank the first go round. One in particular was excellent!! So i was thinking about letting that one go ahead and seed so i can keep that strain alive. But, i don't know if the seeds will even be viable. Thanks in advance for any comments! :wall:


Well-Known Member
If it's a hermie and you see seeds developing that means the pollen sacks have already opened and pollinated the plant. Do you have a light leak?

I found some hermies in my grow if you click the link to my journal in my sig. I got some pretty good pics of the pollen sacks, to give you an idea of what to look for.

I say let them finish. It won't get any worse.

The seeds will probably be hermie if you grow them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that sounds like it was pollinated to me too, its like when ur going thru a dank bag and you randomly find that one seed or 2 n its like "no way a seed?!? im saving this." Seeds dont produce pollin, pollin sacs do n if it is a hermy you'de see some sacs, not seeds. Did you have any males in ur grow at some point that could have had a sac bursted and pollin just happened to find its way to ur plant? pollin is tricky shit.

either way its hard to tell without pics


Are u sure it's a hermie n not just a pollinated female
Unless it pollinated it's self, no way. There's never been a male in with these clones. But, these clones were taken from plant that was 3 wks. into flower. Do you think that would cause them to hermie? BTW thanks to all for such a quick response! :bigjoint:


If it's a hermie and you see seeds developing that means the pollen sacks have already opened and pollinated the plant. Do you have a light leak?

I found some hermies in my grow if you click the link to my journal in my sig. I got some pretty good pics of the pollen sacks, to give you an idea of what to look for.

I say let them finish. It won't get any worse.

The seeds will probably be hermie if you grow them.
Hey CPH. Thanks for the quick response! The only "light leakage" would maybe come from when my wife is on our comp. in the evenings. You think that would be enough light to cause this? And i look forward to taking a look at your journal. :joint:


...cph is correct, if it's a hermie and has released pollen, you'll see the male flower on the cross dresser along side your buds.
Thanks for the imput stalker. There has'nt been any male flowers forming. These have developed inside the existing female buds. I'll try to put up a couple pic's of one of the plants in question. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
There are some who say that even the littlest amount of light can cause hermies. Others say as long as it's not brighter than the moon you're ok. I think I got hermies from just a little leak. I'm to new at this to know for sure though.


Well-Known Member
definite light leak problem.... i had a light leak and my plants looked the same as yours.

i do see a few trichs on there but yeah not much "bud" there... they look big but as soon as it drys all you will be left with is dried crispy hairs....

i would get some new clones... build or buy a tent so you don't have a light leak and just make hash outta these.


What's up all. Once again, thanks to all for your responses, and opinions! ( still would like to know what you all think about using clones from aplant 3 wks. into flower.)can this also be a reason for the,( Hermie attack!!) lol. Any-way... i went ahead and harvested all three of the clones. There was definitly some pollen on the one that i posted pic's of earlier! But the other two,( a different strain ), don't seem as affected. But, all three were pretty smelly and sticky!:weed: Here's a few pic's. I'll post later, after there dry and cured, and let you how the high was. Thanks again.. and good grow'in!bongsmilie

