hermie prevention?


Well-Known Member
my previous two plants became filled with seeds (either one or both was a hermie) i have decided to germinate some of these seeds to grow more.

is there anyway to stop the plants from becomes hermies? or how do i know they are hermies before they pollinate my other plants


Well-Known Member
1. Dont plant hermie seeds.
2. Try your hardest not to stress them in anyway. lights, nutes, waters, etc.
3. Check everywhere daily.


Well-Known Member
It is what it is bro. You are going to have hermies if mom was a herm. I would never waste my time. Just the cost involved with growing is enough. Why start up knowing your plants are bunk from day 1


Well-Known Member
Actrully, if you have hermie seeds, do a HUGE and I mean HUGE Sog grow, hermie bud is smokable and you get seeds!
But the seeds you get are imbread hermie seeds that allow you to grow more hermie plants that produce more hermie seeds so you can have more hermie plants. Each generation more inbread than the next.


Well-Known Member
but think about it, you get seeds. hermie seeds, the buds they produce will have seeds sure. But its smokable! and you get seeds for the next grow!


Well-Known Member
but think about it, you get seeds. hermie seeds, the buds they produce will have seeds sure. But its smokable! and you get seeds for the next grow!
Yea but the plant is born sick so expect low yeilds and low THC production. It would be like choosing to make a baby that has down syndrom


Well-Known Member
Yea but the plant is born sick so expect low yeilds and low THC production. It would be like choosing to make a baby that has down syndrom
There is alot of confusion as to the truth of this. You actually wont have lower THC production. But for every seed and male flower you lose bud mass. Resin production continues as if pure sensimella.


Well-Known Member
There is alot of confusion as to the truth of this. You actually wont have lower THC production. But for every seed and male flower you lose bud mass. Resin production continues as if pure sensimella.
Everytime you inbreed a plant a plant the plant is weaker. The leaves maybe deformed. Meaning slowed photosynthesis meaning slowed nute uptake. He was talking about continued self pollinating plants again and again. There is no way you will ever convince me that is not bad. I have been doing this for way to long to believe that.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt grow hermie seeds.the seeds take all the bud,and if you chop them b4 the seeds take over the whole plant, and if you smoke it early it will give you headace. if you ask me you just wasteing you time. if you going to do it do it rite.


Well-Known Member
shit, i honestly didn't know that if you plant hermies, you get hermies. fuck that man. they've caused me enough stress as it is. it takes me about 20 minutes to prepare a joint because i have to get all the fucking seeds out. there's no way i'm going through all that again.

germination: terminated

thanks for your help everyone


Well-Known Member
what's a good way to get seeds then if i don't want to buy them over the internet or fly to Amsterdam (i wish i stocked up when i was there last year)

is my only option getting them out of a baggy? or will that also be a hermie?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure that hermie seeds arent hermie plants... genetically speaking it doesnt make much sense. But, I suppose it is possible... if not unlikely.


Well-Known Member
if i got a few seeds from a bagie of weed would they be hermie seeds?
Could go either way. Most people get rid of hermies but some people plant their plants in the wild and let them grow and harvest. For every hermie you take out of circulation, there is less change of poluting the gene pool. Think about it. You grow hermie weed, You give some away. That person grows, and so on


Well-Known Member
Could go either way. Most people get rid of hermies but some people plant their plants in the wild and let them grow and harvest. For every hermie you take out of circulation, there is less change of poluting the gene pool. Think about it. You grow hermie weed, You give some away. That person grows, and so on
yeah, theres no chance in me going through that shit again. hermies are fucked. i'm just trying to find a way to get good seeds without having to buy them over the internet... but it seems like that's my only choice.


Well-Known Member
If hermie seeds where the way to go, don't you think seed banks would sell them? Herm seeds as a good thing? I believe I've just gotten dumber after reading this.


Well-Known Member
If hermie seeds where the way to go, don't you think seed banks would sell them? Herm seeds as a good thing? I believe I've just gotten dumber after reading this.
yeah, you might have gotten slightly dumber because no1 was really praising hermie seeds lol. every one's just been explaining how shit they are. and i'm trying to figure out how to prevent them getting anywhere near my soil



Well-Known Member
yeah, you might have gotten slightly dumber because no1 was really praising hermie seeds lol. every one's just been explaining how shit they are. and i'm trying to figure out how to prevent them getting anywhere near my soil


Buy seeds from a reputable seed bank. Keep them under ideal conditions. Don't get any light leaks, and keep the light schedule on point. Don't peak on your plants during the times that the lights are off. DONE.