Hermie? or swollen calyx?


So i woke up this morning to look at my beautiful ladies and i discovered something. It was a pair of balls! That's right, some nuts were on the lower nodes of my lady. I did some research and found out there is a chance its just a swollen calyx and that its very common. I'm to inexperienced to tell if its a swollen calyx or a nasty nut. Some opinions from the more experienced in this matter would be sweeeet!

Here's a pic of it, hope it helps, I pulled it off after i took the pic, just like the rest.

Happy Growin:leaf:



Hey farmer girl, I dunno yet, its lights out so i wont find out till 8 am. Imma check for more nuts in the morning, do a good ol inspection.

What up Log, I have squeezed all of the ones i've found and there's nothing in them. My main question is that is the ball a male flower forming? Or is that where a seed would be if i did have male flowers, but since i dont, its just a swollen calyx.


Active Member
Its possible I cant really tell from the picture, do you have more? But I would just wait and see more will develop if it is. If it is a hermie you can pluck all the sacs. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nutsack to me. Dont think its a calyx, if it was it would have hairs comin out of it.


Well its hermied for sure.....but for anyone who's coming to this thread to try and get the same answer this might help. If you look at the bulb or nut or whatever and it has a line from the tip of it to the bottom then its def a "nut" and you wanna pluck that punk right away.