Hermie! Open pollen sack or just a bananas cluster? what to do?

Do you guy think he'll get seeds because of this already? Noticed it on his other plant too but it was more like an actual male pod , not a cluster of bananas like in the pic. Also on the plant in the pic there were a couple nanners in the buds

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
You can try to pick em off but I bet it already has seeded out everything. This just happened to me & I got beaners on a lot of my other plants in flower now too. If you saw bananas & they poofed out pollen it's already too late. The only suggestion I can make is to do a nice big hash run. Got lemons? Make lemonade...
Also check for light leaks or timer issues; the usual suspects


Well-Known Member
And there's not a person here that it hasn't happened to. Goes with the territory...sometimes you do everything right and you still miss a few nanners...plants are fickle.