Hermie maintenance question


Well-Known Member
out of my 8 I have 3 definite males (already destroyed), 4 definite females and my first herm. The herm has some great potential bud spots with growth and some definite nut sacks. My plants are fairly small and every little bit helps. I think I already know the answer but I'll ask it anyways. If I cut off as many nut sacks as possible without damaging the integrity of the plant can I leave it in the grow room to bud? Or is there still too hight of a risk that it will pollinate the other girls? I definetly don't want/need seeds yet


Well-Known Member
I've heard you can cut off the hermie'd branches at the base and possibly be alright, but I don't think the risk of missing 1 pod and pollinating the rest is worth it. You could remove it from that room and grow it in another location, you could chop it down when the seed pods are near ready to burst and make hash with it.

If you leave it in there it's very likely the others will get pollinated.


Well-Known Member
I have seen something done which was pretty cool, but I dont know if it would work in your situation. Get a clear plastic rubbermade container big enough for the plant. Basically put the plant in the rubbermade standing on its side. You need to cut a hole on both sides of the rubbermade, and attach air filters to the holes. On one of the holes you need a fan to move air in and out of the rubbermade. Probably too much work for a single hermie, but pretty cool if its your largest plant or if you wanted a ton of seeds.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like more carpentry work then I'm willing to do at this point :-) Thanx for the info guys. I've cut off the obvious male sites and put the herm back into the grow room. If a handful of more nuts grows in I'll cut my losses and toss the he-she.