so im on week 5 of flowering i notice these tiny nanners on some of my nug sites, i have it in a closet sealed with a piece of tarp but my grow tent is also in the same room and i fear cross pollination, what is the best thing to do in this situation? can i make hash out of the hermie plant? and if so, what is the process? please help this is my first grow and this is absolutely killing me.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Continue on as if nothing is wrong... Had bananas in some buds many years ago... The reading I got hold of mostly agreed that the bananas are not viable pollin.

I've read of some that cut all the bananas off as the came on...

I never messed with them and ened up with real nice buds in at least 6 plants over a few years time...


Well-Known Member
You can wet them then just pull or snip them off, as long as its just 1 or 2 and the plant hasnt gone all dude on you then the worst that will happen is the odd seed here and there, nothing major.