Hermed? Help Me Out


Well-Known Member
this thing in green in pic 3... it looked swollen like there's a seed in it... so i kinda pinched it open... is it a pollen sack?? didn't have any hairs come out of it so i don't know. It's really hard for me to tell. please your opinion!IMG_4504.jpgIMG_4503.jpgIMG_4501.jpgIMG_4502.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dosen't look like a pollen sac but it's hard to see, looks like a swollen female flower in the last two pics, got some without the hps on or a more natural light?


Hard to tell, those are called Calyxes. It's what a seed would form in if a female gets pollinated. If its a hermie, it will have balls hanging around the base of nodes, they look like bananas hanging. bud.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks you two! after posting i had a feeling it's alright. but i'm paranoid you know how it is. i'll keep a look out anyway and try to get a cfl photo too.

happy tokin


Well-Known Member
Yer sorry midwest, i thought it looked like a calyx but either me being stoned or the pictures i just didn't want to say for sure, the last two pictures were the clearest indicator it wasn't. Sometimes the red hairs fall out of some of my calyxs when it swells and the hairs wither, could explain why no hairs in it.
thats a male flower it looks like u could have a possible hermee but check the whole plant to see if u find more if u can get rid of the sacks that look like banannas like the one in ur hand


Well-Known Member
yeah i got think about what i'm doing with this ballsy girl. she's an important part of my grow right now and a good plant, but I don't wanna spoil it with seeds all over. then again i ain't killing her just because she's gay i mean, you know. i'll take her out to the porch I guess. she not gonna like that one bit though.

the better alternative would be to leave her in and try to find her balls in advance to pluck. but it's very risky, i have a sq meter screen there with her branches going all over it, so it's not only hard to track the branches down but also problematic to start putting my hands in and plucking stuff that's full with semen in there. No, if I find another sack it'll be the porch for her.


Well-Known Member
spray them with water before you pull them that will neutralise any pollen that may have escaped
Yes, you def don't want that to spread any more than it may have, if there are other sacs that have opened and released. That's actually good advice for removing a herm plant from the area.

And btw, what people call a calyx is actually a bract, if you're going by the proper nomenclature. In cannabis, you would actually need a low power microscope to see the calyx, which is part of the perianth, a nearly transparent tissue which surrounds the ovule (or prospective seed). So if someone says they have swollen calyxes, they have eyes like superman.