

Well-Known Member
let it go through man.. u have a male in the area that maybe got ur girl here prego.. therefore hence the swollen calyxes?
is everyone SURE that those are balls, cuz i am not.
ummmmmmm nope. are you kidding? that chicks got nuts.

if it was pollinated it would have brown pistils. plus seeds dont form this early.



Well against the advice of everyone lol I kept my hermie and have also discovered I have another. I have been checking them daily for pollen sacs and carefully tweezing them off. I don't at all expect to get sensimilia out of any of my plants but seedy weed is better than none in my opinion. So here's some pics I took today of my plant that is furthest along. I just hope it turns out!


eh no thanks, like i said, seedy weed is better than none to me. the weed i got these seeds from was most likely a hermaphrodite too. its in the genes babay! and if this species has evolved itself to survive like that, who am i to kill it. its a thing of beauty :) lol