Hermaphrodite Question

Olympus Mons

Well-Known Member
Hi growers,

I have a hermie question I was hoping someone could offer an explanation. The damage is already done, but I'm curious as to the cause.

I bought five feminized White Widow seeds from Ministry of Cannabis and they all grew into nice budding plants, with the exception of one. It was stunted. So I let it veg for twice as long - about four months - under fluorescent lights. During this time I topped it three times so at the end of the fourth month it resembled a bush. To keep it's canopy at the same height as the rest of the flowering plants, I did some LSTing (with string and screws) so all of the branches were perpendicular to the main stem. I did the LSTing on the day I made the switch to the 400W HPS 12/12 room. For the first two weeks the plant was doing great, all of the nodes started to point up towards the light and it was going to be a good harvest. Unfortunately, and to my horror, when the plant started to show sex it had both balls and hairs. Definitely a set back. So my question is: what caused it to go hermie? The seeds from the same feminized strain all turned out fine, except this one. I have a clone growing that started as a cutting from this plant so when I bud that I will know for sure if it was a genetic issue. My other suspects are the stress of the LSTing or somehow my lighting got screwed up. The bud room is sealed with black plastic and all other plants in there have turned out fine.

Thanks for any suggestions.