hermaphidite (sp?) question


Active Member
My girls are at about week 3-4 of 12/12 cycle and today i noticed that my best looking one, appears to have some seeds forming, just on the bottom 1/2 of the plant. i don't know why, because all the plants are definently females. is there anything i can do to stop seeds from forming on the top colas? cause they look so dam good now


The Gardener
I dont know if theres any thing to stop this i wouldent mind knowing my self but ive had a hermie b4 and there was only somthing like 20 seeds and the cholas seemed to be fine
just count your losses with this 1 mann

have a check and make sure when u have your plants sleeping there no light leeks getting in ..
another make sure they are not sitting with a wet ass ( they are not siting on a puddle )
theres a few other thigngs that can bring hermies out look into it ......

and for your next grow make sure ya take clones from the plant that did not turn hermie
an give your grow room a good clean out

SHOOT ....


Active Member
so can i get some help asap? i really don't want to chop this plant unless i have to. but i also don't want to ruin my other two.


The Gardener
Its up 2 u mann

the hermi plants will have smokable buds with some seeds just
some of your other plants might end up with some seeds too id a hermie b4 and that was the only plant in my room that got pollenated and as i says ther was only 20 seeds from the plant mybe i got lucky

u only have about 2 weeks left if ya want 2 sacrifice the hermie and keep the others seedless then chop it and smoke it or make hash or somthing if ya can bair with a few seeds let them grow to the end



New Member
hermie produce both male and female flowering parts thus they are always going to have seeds in their buds. those seeds are NOT good to grow so do not attempt that for seeds on next grow. the male flowers from the hermie can possibly pollinate all of the remaining normal females in your garden and seed the rest of your weed. Id get that sucker out of that grow room if i were you.
and no the hermie does not make other plants turn into a hermie.
hermies can happen genetically i think but most people i have heard talk about them say that stress causes females to develop male parts and thus become hermies


Well-Known Member
My girls are at about week 3-4 of 12/12 cycle and today i noticed that my best looking one, appears to have some seeds forming, just on the bottom 1/2 of the plant. i don't know why, because all the plants are definently females. is there anything i can do to stop seeds from forming on the top colas? cause they look so dam good now
Read carefully...he said he has seeds forming on the plant. People are telling him to chop it, but seeds aren't hermie. Seeds are caused by hermies or males. This doesn't necessarily mean the plant he's looking at with the seeds is the one that is hermie. More than likely it is, but just in case he has a fan blowing on the plant or whatevever I would inspect it further. Your looking for "banana's". You should see little yellow "banana" looking things on your buds. These from what I understand are the male flowers. I have yet to see a hermie, suspected some, but never seen first hand. I just know I wouldn't chop a plant without concrete evidence. Do you have any pictures?


Active Member
i have nuggets on the plant, and i have know that this plant was a female for almost a month, only a few of the lower branches are getting seeds so i pulled some of them off to buy time untill tonight, if i were to dry it in my apartment away from my closet would there still be a good chance it would pollenate the other two?


Active Member
Not likely. Always get rid of hermie as soon as you spot it. Use only reputable seed, or take cuttings from true females, to stay out of trouble.

The above post is for entertainment purposes only. I do not grow pot, and do not advocate breaking the law.


Active Member
if i by chance found some seeds in some good pot and grew them and they all four turned out with white hairs on the nodes on the top but the nodes below had nothing yet what are the odds of them being hermies. im clueless and about to start a 12 12 cycle im on a 18 6 now help is appreciated