Sorry guys I got a million excuses for my lack of updates but hey its life So even though I have not been updating you as I should I have been a busy bee. I have gotten the Milwaukee SM802 meter
got off a lb. of fun gi got new nutes,t5 bulb,lots of wool,ducting,clone dome,and some nutes I am caught up. Thanks FUN GI for the helping hand in hard times lol.
I broke down and moved 4 plants to a buddy who wants to do a little whatever. He is not aware of my set up Im very low key or at lest I think I am lol.Yeah right huh. So under night these 4 almost 3 foot tall VERY stretched and VERY healthy UNKNOWN sex plants were moved. We transplanted into soil and I had to deal with some light root bound. Light brown roots ??? Possibly from light. HYDRO P to rid it u think ?
But with the move of these 4 giants and the loss of the earlier one from sighns of being a boy dog, I now have fucking room yay yay. I started off with 13 plants and have been hoping for males to pop up or random plants just fucking dying cuz I just couldnt bring my self till yesterday to man up and kick some out. But I did and have 3 VERY dank HERI moms and 4 Diffrent strains from th BASIC BEER !!!!! Total of 7 by choice and glad lol.
I have gotten all and everything I need to move on. I hung my light and set up the whole entire Ebb & Flo putting Res and Controller Bucket outside of the tent. I am doing 6 buckets for the moment. Just throw it in the bag !
I have PICS yay. I am organizing and will post today k.
I am having big clone issues and hope to get by this. But the issue is I HAVE FOUND MY GREEN THUMB but not in cloning

I have went through a SHIT load of these guys and all went limp and have like rotted black slimy stems. WTF help please. Kind of a key factor on my perpetual grow plans no ?
Hope to hear from ya soon have a great day and night .