Here's where i'm at..


Well-Known Member
The only thing i'm unsure of is how much fish,blood and bone meal to add to my mix along with the epsom salts, i will feed the calcium later on in the grow.

i threw on a handful of fish blood and bone but havn't mixed it in yet, also i haven't added the epsom salts yet so if someone could tell me the amounts of those to add please...

i mixed 70 % multi-purpose and 30 % john innes #2 ...

fish blood and bone..

worm humus...


epsom salts...

Heres my mix with just a handfull of fish blood and bone, do i need more?

will be going into this 20L pot..



Well-Known Member
That should be enough...I've just started seeing yellow creeping up my plant, so I should have used more in my i'd take my advice with a pinch of salt!! If any pro organic growers are around then they may be able to be more definitive (though they will probably also suggest using lots of other ingredients, which I don't think you're after)