Here’s one for ya!

Hi! I think I’ve got / am getting a problem. I’ve got 3 young ladies growing in this box. The second pic shows it open, and the third pic shows how I’m getting them to grow horizontally on a frame. I’m trying to create an effect like the fourth pic.


… the problem is that the “branches” that would have been at the base of the plant are going bananas and getting long and bushy. (I should have anticipated that). They’re really happy, but because there are three of them it’s getting out of hand. I think I need to do some defoliaging/ pruning but I’m not sure.



Well-Known Member
One plant in that space would be difficult to manage.
I would flip to 12/12 now, not later, and pray they arent a stretchy variety
Ok <sniff, sniff>. I can admit when I’ve made a mistake. I’ve just switched them over. Lesson learned - only 1 in there next time. Thanks Boatguy, appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
For it to work like the drawing you'd have to trim everything except the meristem's top until it reaches the first rack and Allow only the nodes at a rack to grow. Definitely not a fast production method.