Here's my plan. Critique anyone?

Since growing weed will be legal as of July 1, and since I live on a large enough country plot to grow pot hidden from casual view, I plan to grow outside in 5-gallon Smart Pots where they will stay. I'll start seed in my greenhouse using rockwool cubes or other such medium (not in peat pots) in early April, and then transplant them to Smart Pots filled with Fox Farm “Ocean Forest” soil.

They will be in my yard and protected from deer by a fence, but we have plenty of field mice here, so maybe some 1/4-inch "hardware fabric" (galvanized wire screen) around each of my 6 pots would solve that.

Maybe I should start about 10 plants so I can select the girls and have 4-6 to keep (the law allows 4 but I may cheat, . . . -or maybe not if 4 good plants will be enough).

Due to the fence, while the plants are small they will probably get only about 8 or 10 hours of direct sunshine in mid summer, but bright daylight all day. I'm not sure if this will make a successful grow impossible or not.

I have been reading and reading on this forum and elsewhere and I have found it difficult to find guidelines for growing outside on residential property. All discussion of outdoor growing seems to involve pages and pages of warnings and tricks on hiding and avoiding detection, how to select a forest setting, and how to get water to your crop, and I get bored easily. None of that is an issue for me.

Thanks for any comments.


New Member
I suggest you read the "Cannabis grow bible" by Greg Green. When I started growing I had a ton of problems with it first but Gregs book had a load of useful tips :). I'm a newb growing inside so I can't really help you, but I know the CGB has a lot of info on growing outside! :D