• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Heres my list of Ten things you should quit, Before considering marijuana a problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to work out his claim that "Hitler" put flouride in our water supply. Especially considering the fact that 50 years ago was 1961 and Hitler died in 1945 AND he was in Germany.
These are all facts below:

Fluoride is a toxic by-product of the aluminum smelting and fertilizer industries.

The Nazis put fluoride into the drinking water of their labor and death camps because, paradoxically, it makes adults docile and easy to manage.

The Russian Communists did the same thing in their gulags for the same reason

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
umm... he said that Hitler put flouride in our water supply 50 years ago..... and how in the world does flouride make you docile? It's not a sedative.


Well-Known Member
The Merck Manual lists symptoms of fluoride poisoning that includes these:

Reticence and silence;
Sitting and saying nothing;
Resists no one, says nothing;
Fears nothing;

Also, educate yourself on Project Paper Clip if you want to know how the flouride ended up in our water supply here.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
There is this deadly chemical my city has been pumping directly into my house. It's presence in lungs will cause DEATH. It also encourages grow of harmful bacteria and mold. It is responsible for more deaths than almost any other chemical on earth. Dihydrogen monoxide. This stuff can kill you and they pump it right into my kitchen!!!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Very good thread man.... I agree 100 % except organic stuff is so dam expensive...I cant wait to pay this house off in a year so i can buy another with a yard bigger than 20 x20...lol...So I can actually have a nice garden with organis fruits and veggies....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The Merck Manual lists symptoms of fluoride poisoning that includes these:

Reticence and silence;
Sitting and saying nothing;
Resists no one, says nothing;
Fears nothing;

Also, educate yourself on Project Paper Clip if you want to know how the flouride ended up in our water supply here.
I look to scientific sources not political ones. Flouride in MASSIVE amounts can cause hypocalcemia (low calcium) by creating insoluble CaF2 which damages the nervous system. MASSIVE amounts. Far beyond the pale of what we receive in our water. Also, in case you didn't know, zero flouride in your body can be just as harmful. There is absolutely no scientific evidence backing the flouride conspiracy scam going around the internet. its utter and complete bull caca.


Well-Known Member
I've read what you think about a lot of things in regards to 'conspiracy theories.' Debunking things makes you feel great, doesn't it?

Doesn't really matter to me, I know what I know.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
I mean five things at least lol.

Recently ive been studying myself.. I mean I am generally a happy person as long as I'm nourished properly and perhaps a little baked :eek:

So as i Payed close attention to my moods, and why when and how they changed i came up with this small list of well "toxic" or polar opposite to humans things that i noticed actually bugged my daily living, and like drying bud in sunlight, decreased my good moods..

Organic i have figured is a way to eat, live, grow, and spread. so why not take those nasty chemicals out of your life?

Heres my list of mind altering daily accessories(That the government wants you to continue so your open mindedness is minimized):

1. Fluoride Toothpaste: or mainly all toothpastes.. TOXIC, Hitler put it in our water supply 50 years ago.. Now every american gets a nice dose of flouride in the morning and for the some of you at night as while. yummy? negative i like white sparkly teeth but not poison.do your research!

2. Laundry Detergent: TERRIBLE to breath in 24/7 and how do u breathe it in? from the remaining particles all over your clothes? your shirt is rather close to your nose eh? do your research. and it messes up our environment.

3: Propane Stove: If you have a Propane stove, next time your cooking notice the thickening in the air? that aint the food! best not to hover over your fooding while its cookin. The combustion of propane is one of the most widely known carcinogens.

4: Butane: Yea yea i know some of you disagree. but ill stick with hempwick, and my glass wand. havent used butane twice in the last 6 months. Both times i noticed a well un-preffered difference. Im so stubborn against butane i could smoke a bowl with it and not get high.

5: Any food product containing anything artificial or any type of preservative sort of say, satisfies my taste buds, but suppresses my mind, hurts my body, and promotes factory processed food.

O and Get a water filter :leaf:

These are a few things i have changed about my life in the last year, and man has it made a huge impact on my well-being, environment and just happiness.

agree or disagree? anyone have anything to add to the list?

Once again these are toxicitys i found to basically BUG the Sh%t outa me.

Oh. OK. But it's ok for me to keep smoking cigarettes....right?

FWIW, I was born in Albuquerque, where the water is either naturally full of flouride or they add it, I dont know which. But I never had a single cavity as a kid. Once we moved to Atlanta (no flouride) it wasnt three years before I had a bunch of fillings. So....which is worse? No cavities or a mouth full of silver and mercury?

Im all for you or anybody doing whatever floats yer boat. But really, who here expects to live another 20 years on THIS planet? Life as we know it is swirling in the toilet and about to go down the tubes. The time will come (I think sooner, not later) we'll be lucky to have ANY food. Let alone, "organic". In fact, Ive started throwing food garbage and leftovers over the deck rail in order to encourage possums and rabbits onto my land. Why?

Because I expect I may have to eat them in the next year or two. Fortunately, I have a big wide stream on my land, so water will probably not be a problem.

The Shit is gonna hit the fan, people. Folks living in cities will have it the worst. We who live in the "country" especially in mountainous regions, may survive.

I first knew it was all over when I learned about the plastic garbage swirls in each of our oceans. A fucking pile of "disposable" plastic the size of Texas and 9 feet deep? Are you fucking kidding me? In five years, you'll be able to WALK from Cali to Japan, right over the plastic path.

Who's cleaning it up? Nobody. And if somebody did....whatcha gonna do with that much plastic? Bury it in the Mojave? Shred it and dump it back into the ocean? Who's gonna pay for that?

Ya just cannot fuck with the ovean. She's the reason Life is possible here. She is the Blood of all life.

Dont get me started on that.

So, let's look at the climate changes we've seen so far.
Natural pjenomina duch as hurricaines, tornadoes, flooding, drought, fire.....hey! Who hasnt noticed there's a LOT more of those and they're a LOT bigger and badder these days?

WE've got hotter summers and severe winters. Think that trend is gonna reverse itself?

Fuck man. Im glad Im an old fart. Maybe I'll get lucky and die of natural causes in the next few years. But you younger foks?

Man....I wouldnt make any big plans. Just at a time when we need every man, woman and child working together, globally, to clean this shit up and wake up to the fact we MUST limit the number of kids we produce to one per couple, ban the production of "disposable" plastic and get damn busy creating Green energy....we are too busy fighting wars, worrying about stupid shit like medical insurence, politics and whose God is the "right" God.

Seriously.... this world is fucked and getting more fucked every day.

Watching the tube the other day, some guy at the CDC said they already have enough Smallpox vaccine on hand at the CDC to vaccinate everybody in America. They already have it.

BUT...there are no plans to get that stuff shipped to every town with a big push to get everybody vaccinated. Nope. Instead, we'll wait UNTIL some fucking Mus nutjob brings a vial of smallpox to New York and spills it on the floor of a subway train.

Why? Well, because it would be "costly" to take that step NOW. I guess they think it will be less costly once a few million have died of Smallpox?

Sigh. I know, I know. Nobody wants to hear this shit.

But all things considered, I dont think Im gonna worry too damn much about whether my toothpaste has flouride.

In fact, I think I'll light a cig, have a beer and a cheesburger and see if there's a nice lady with a fondness for old guys out there.


fluoride is pretty gnarly for you but unless your a child or someone with kidney disease you should be fine "for now". the kidneys excrete approximately 50% of the daily fluoride intake. so if you have kidney disease it will accumulate in the body and could be harmfull. flouride in children will cause damage to the tooth forming cells eventually leading to dental fluorosis. fluoride is more accutely poisonus that lead. its used in pestisides and rodentsides. Of particular concern is the potential for fluoride, when accumulated in the skeletal system, to cause, or exacerbate, renal osteodystrophy - a bone disease commonly found among people with advanced kidney disease. dont even get me started on the effects of fluoride on the brain, thyroid and gastrointestinal tract. lol heres what someone with a bit more credibility than me had to say about fluoride. "I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history."
Dr. ARVID CARLSSON, Pharmacologist, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, 2000.

you know, like when we pump the human race with things we think is great for them and then years later we realize how incredibly toxic it was for them. happends all the time. haha so yeah, next time a cop tryes to give you shit about weed tell him you have a whole house full of fluoride and hed do you much more good if he confiscated the real poison lol


Well-Known Member
i think its great that you have been able to identify the toxic things in your life and have decided to eliminate them so you can benefit from healthier living.
i think its a shame that i'm going to buy some tequila here soon today. i plan on smoking, drinking, fucking, and probably even cursing a word or two.
we live in a toxic environment. who makes all this crap. why do we buy it? :)

Charlie Who?

Active Member
There is this deadly chemical my city has been pumping directly into my house. It's presence in lungs will cause DEATH. It also encourages grow of harmful bacteria and mold. It is responsible for more deaths than almost any other chemical on earth. Dihydrogen monoxide. This stuff can kill you and they pump it right into my kitchen!!!


Listen, life in America is PERFECT!

Just remember to NOT drink the water....and dont breathe the air. Oh, and of course, avoid the food as much as possible unless you grew it yourself.

Other than that, tho, long as you keep a loaded shotgun by the front door, a .45 under your pillow, a couple pitbulls in the yard, a police band/weather radio, lots of batteries, many gallons of water, a store of Ready To Eat meals, a few thermal blankets, some kerosene lamps, a First Aid kit and so on....why, Life will be just goddam ROSY.


Dont worry! Be HAPPY!

fuck, man. Im leavin. Life on planet E just aint workin out too well.


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So life is perfect? I detect some sarcasm. You seem to think the world will end in 2 years. Is there no middle ground between perfect and complete damnation in 2 years? How about life will keep on chugging along despite your alarmist rants?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've read what you think about a lot of things in regards to 'conspiracy theories.' Debunking things makes you feel great, doesn't it?

Doesn't really matter to me, I know what I know.
hmm.. can't refute the evidence so you attack the messenger. Doesn't matter to me either. I'm still drinking my flouride water.


Well-Known Member
research fluoride, it is really bad for you to ingest, that's why dentists don't let you swallow it.

It's also the main ingredient in rat poison.

research research research!!!!!!!