Heres my Buds


Active Member
today is a milestone i have for the first time watered my plant with some blackstrap molases when should i start to see results??
my plant is only maybe a meter tall you sure cud get an oz from this!


Active Member
the day after molases is upon us, she was fed some last night 4 days since the last pics you can see the difference and development is accerlerating nicely i cant believe i have another 7-8 weeks as its about the 4 week into flowering now. this weekend a nice molases/rock bat guano tea will be made to be fed twice a week :)



Active Member
4 days since the last pics and its turning sticky now and the top cola will soon be one :) its had three feeds of bat guano and molases water



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wow those babys have exploded!!! so heavy and sticky now i'm really chuffed :) anyone with any estimates of time left?

anyone think if i clip a bud of and dry it out its gonna get me high yet??


Active Member
ok today they it was left outside in the rain all day will this affect my thc production and the nice big looking crystals that were developing ??? please let me know if not i guess i will find out tomo when its dried up!!!!


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heres pics from yesterday, i'm not sure if i will get two oz does anyone have any estimates on how long left and how much i will get?? please let me know



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me and my mate have just come to the conclusion that this plant is a low ryder!! thrichomes have started to turn amber there is no way this plant has 6 weeks to go!!