Here to help... Ask me anything

to Solstice07

I don't know man... if it's bag seed I would say toss it and try again... hell no matter what... just let it grow and see what happends... There is nothing you can do but wait...

I was actually hoping for better advice from a thread titled "Here to help... Ask me anything" But it is what it is.

I do appreciate your help. I just didn't want to hear the bad news. Maybe you'll be able to help me later.

How about your opinion on this: Do you think it stands a better chance of survival if I flushed it several times? Of course I'm talking about each time it needed water, which would be about every 4 to 6 days.

Then again, what's your opinion on transplanting it now in its apparently stressed stage? It wouldn't get rid of that nasty soil but the new roots would be growing in a more "seedling friendly" soil.

I have several other seedlings that were not put into that soil that are doing much better.
haha Idk why but this is how it goes....

just a another damn good song









train wredk reveg...






Chocolate trip...


More chocolate trip


Train wreck growing along the floor


getting high off cat piss




Ah # 2





My new grow.....hehe


Thank you for your time. I've found your advice to be absolutely useless to me and I like your taste in music even less.

Keep up the good work. I really hope that your intentions are sincere to actually help someone, just not my situation.

Oh, crap! My bad! You never did say that you had pot growing advice to offer. I now truly doubt that you do.
Lol im sorry you feel that way... I had to make dinner and take a shower... I am sorry I couldn't get to you in time...

Regardless you plant is small I can't give you detail information because I have nothing to work with.... You used a time released soil to put your seedling's in... It sound's like you have caused some kinda def by locking up your plant intake by feeding it to much at the start.. also seems like you may not have washed out your soil before you used ... It say on the bag to do so..

I am sorry about your plant but you have no idea if its male or female... So either way I suggest you grow more plants ... You said you have more so I not sure why your stressing over one plant... I also said let it grow.... You can't freak out on one plant's growth... Becasuse there is nothing you can do at such a early stage of growth.. I not sure what you wanted to hear... I'm not Mrs cleo... But If you want to be mature about it .. I can help you best that I can.....

either way I have a busy life so, I pitch in what I can...

good luck bro... just take it easy
Thank you for your time. I've found your advice to be absolutely useless to me and I like your taste in music even less.

Keep up the good work. I really hope that your intentions are sincere to actually help someone, just not my situation.

Oh, crap! My bad! You never did say that you had pot growing advice to offer. I now truly doubt that you do.
u said ask u so here i go

1 do diferent color bulb cfl red blue afect plant grow

2 how many 42 watts it take to match a 200 hid watts

3 how long to veg if i want a oz a plant

4 if i get a 100watts hid would a produce a lot more bud mabye 3oz a plant
In the order you asked...

1) you need a blue spectrum for veg and red for flower...when using clf's look for cool which is blue and warm which is red...

2) id have to say 5 to equal the same wattage usage...

3) atleast a month... also depends on the strain?

4) not likely, you need atleast 400 or more... about 1000 watts will cover a 4 x 4 foot area.... and two 600 watts hps will cover 6 x6 ..

u said ask u so here i go

1 do diferent color bulb cfl red blue afect plant grow

2 how many 42 watts it take to match a 200 hid watts

3 how long to veg if i want a oz a plant

4 if i get a 100watts hid would a produce a lot more bud mabye 3oz a plant
can you please explain 24 to 36 darkness to when going veg to flower
i would like to why this is a importaint process
There is no need for that.... I have never done that... Nor any of my friends...

But some would say it to (jump start) flowering... But the plants have to go through a transition and it takes about a week or two for them to show signs but this method won't make your plants any more straonger nor do I beileve they will flower any faster...

But these are just my suggestions?
can you please explain 24 to 36 darkness to when going veg to flower
i would like to why this is a importaint process
hey im haveing truoble get some seed to ger... got them on line from seed direct blue berry have any idealsevery thing else iv done has cracked and doing fine started another 6 tonight so hopefully they will gowill clone seem to be doing good only 2 days in so that hopefull to if these work ill do some more then put what i have into flowering.but so far every thing looks very healthy. hey wondering how tall were those when you put them into flowering. my plants are 6 5 3 weeks old now and some now bs just poping now so. white snow and crystal have there first set of leaves .
thank for ya help in a got a big closet im puting 50 plant inside that how many pot can wit if i use a 1000 wat hid could u guess how many oz i can get im trying to get a pound will i need ba 100 plant and two 1000 wats or 50 would be enuff all clones plant female bublegum,and big bud,master kush
my goal ia a pound every 3 month
Im having what i believe is an algae problem i did a water change last tuesday and cleaned it all out the best i can but it seems to be still growing. I wrapped the resovoir with ducttape and two towels cleaned the best i could and been adding h2o2 every two days since this happened. Any advice? also i thought algae was green this is more of a white slime.
Sorry it took me so long to back to you...

50 plants should equall only 40 to 50 ounces, If your lucky on your first even 3rd, 5th run.... I can't say alot more... You have good wattage for your space( if cooled good)...... Grow small plants.....
Veg 2 weeks at least 2weeks from clone and 3-4 from seed and that's pushin it....
thank for ya help in a got a big closet im puting 50 plant inside that how many pot can wit if i use a 1000 wat hid could u guess how many oz i can get im trying to get a pound will i need ba 100 plant and two 1000 wats or 50 would be enuff all clones plant female bublegum,and big bud,master kush
my goal ia a pound every 3 month
sorry to be so late to respond I will also send a PM to you... That's a good question...

First I would ask if you have any light leaks in your res and the color of your res....

I ran into the same problem this last run because I had light leaks in my res... It also gave me a problem with gnat's...

Some nute's such as foxfarm's big bloom and a couple of other (organic) nute's should not be used in a res tanks....

To much oxygen can also cause a problem....

If your air stones have ( SLIME) on them, TOSS them...

I use small one's because I only use them for about a week...

Change your res every couple of days until you get a good fell after running the same nutes for a couple of runs and HOW your plants respond to them....

Im having what i believe is an algae problem i did a water change last tuesday and cleaned it all out the best i can but it seems to be still growing. I wrapped the resovoir with ducttape and two towels cleaned the best i could and been adding h2o2 every two days since this happened. Any advice? also i thought algae was green this is more of a white slime.
I bought 5 gram of weed today but it was in lil stack like all in one.

im wondering how to trim it :S i dunno where to cut and what to cut

(sorry for my bad english)
Hi Im a new grower with 2 blueberry plants under 600W HPS a week appart at week 5 and 4. one plane is thriving and has been moved to a large pot the other plant however is growing very short and thick and hos not show significent growth in a while now. Do you know any possible reasons for this?
Also some bottom leaves on both plants have begun to turn yellow with brown spots and are rather chrispy to the touch. The majority of leaves are also quite droopy yet foliage is thick.
Is this and over watering or nitrogen problem?
i need help i think?I germd 30 seeds 7 days ago.Put them in rockwool after a day or two when they had poped.10 have sprouted so far but that was after a few days no signs of more the last 4 days.I have a heat pad under,temps at 75-80,rh is 40-55.I ve started a 26w cfl on the sprouts. could that be hurting the ones that havent sprouted?Also the sprouts seem to look a little sickly with some spots that look sticky,but not through the whole leaf just spots?And some edges look maybe light burned?This is my first grow and im panicking that these seeds wont grow.The lights are 12-14in from the cubes on a flat.Any info you can spare to me would be help
Males are only good for BREEDING and nothing else....(NO THC)
Here is my question, Male and to give me a description of whats different.....Males have balls of pollin that inpregnates your females giving them seeds ( If not control) you'll end up with spermed covered trash....

Are Males good for ANYTHING?