Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad


Well-Known Member
Bye bye cat of stupidity :-)
Nah, this one's got a few more days/weeks.....he graduated from 'mind-numbingly boring' to 'verge of meltdown' in a matter of days; he might just go out with a BANG after all!
(Pops fresh corn.)

Hey, remember his buddy/fellow redneck cuck 'pot pimp'? Wonder what's up with him as of late?

images (8).png


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a hug.
I stopped reading his 'posts' (LOL) weeks ago. Just another aging racist inbreeder living a nightmarish 'life' of public assistance dependence, cuckoldry, white rage, and impotence.

This one's gonna hit the wall hard and it's going to be legendary, mark my words....the wheels have already been set in motion...



Well-Known Member
Do your grower buddies know your a narc?
Let him report me to the NSA who'll:
•have to get a warrant to go to the EU and request my info
•The EU state involved will then have to get a warrant to get my IP address from the proxy provider...

All because I said religion isn't genetic.



Well-Known Member
Let him report me to the NSA who'll:
•have to get a warrant to go to the EU and request my info
•The EU state involved will then have to get a warrant to get my IP address from the proxy provider...

All because I said religion isn't genetic.


His ass is grass!