Here I go...

I am really new to this whole world of medical marijuana. I spent years telling my children not to do ANY kind of drug when my darling husband came to me one day and begged me to please start smoking marijuana for my chronic pain. I'm 41 and at 17 I was crushed from my waist down in a motorcycle accident. They originally said I'd never walk or have children, and now I have four children and I walk, just not too great at times from pain issues.
After soul searching and reading up on the subject, I figured what the hell, the methadone an other pain meds they give me has got to be way worse on me then marijuana ever could be.
Kids know about my choice and are surprisingly happy that I have decided to go on this path.
SO I am here to learn all I can about all that I can.
And to set the record straight, I have brothers who have smoked for years and don't pass any judgment on those who smoke for recreation, I just didn't want to send mixed messages to the kids so I said "Say NO to all." LOL, a mommy move I guess.
I live near Portland Oregon. Going to need all the help I can get to learn all I can. I don't get out much as I suffer from a slight case of agoraphobia. LOL..I'm a mess I guess. So who wants to help an old newbie out on her path to enlightenment?!?
:weed:glad I started


Well-Known Member
I am really new to this whole world of medical marijuana. I spent years telling my children not to do ANY kind of drug when my darling husband came to me one day and begged me to please start smoking marijuana for my chronic pain. I'm 41 and at 17 I was crushed from my waist down in a motorcycle accident. They originally said I'd never walk or have children, and now I have four children and I walk, just not too great at times from pain issues.
After soul searching and reading up on the subject, I figured what the hell, the methadone an other pain meds they give me has got to be way worse on me then marijuana ever could be.
Kids know about my choice and are surprisingly happy that I have decided to go on this path.
SO I am here to learn all I can about all that I can.
And to set the record straight, I have brothers who have smoked for years and don't pass any judgment on those who smoke for recreation, I just didn't want to send mixed messages to the kids so I said "Say NO to all." LOL, a mommy move I guess.
I live near Portland Oregon. Going to need all the help I can get to learn all I can. I don't get out much as I suffer from a slight case of agoraphobia. LOL..I'm a mess I guess. So who wants to help an old newbie out on her path to enlightenment?!?
:weed:glad I started
Hey, I'd be glad to help with any questions, you may have. Welcome to the site. I stay up in Portland sometimes, too. So whacha gonna do with those methadones now, buddy? I'd love to make a trade:razz:
Just joking
But, seriously I do like my methadones more than weed.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet ya. I just joined tonight, myself. I also have mild agoraphobia too. Cool coincidence. I've been following these forums for awhile now, and they have lots of good information. I hope you find the advice/answers you're looking for.

It's 6AM, so I better think about getting some sleep.LOL Catch ya later.


Hey there -
I'm in Oregon as well (the coast) I've been growing for three years and would love to help you in any way I can. Feel free to PM me. Welcome :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I am really new to this whole world of medical marijuana. I spent years telling my children not to do ANY kind of drug when my darling husband came to me one day and begged me to please start smoking marijuana for my chronic pain. I'm 41 and at 17 I was crushed from my waist down in a motorcycle accident. They originally said I'd never walk or have children, and now I have four children and I walk, just not too great at times from pain issues.
After soul searching and reading up on the subject, I figured what the hell, the methadone an other pain meds they give me has got to be way worse on me then marijuana ever could be.
Kids know about my choice and are surprisingly happy that I have decided to go on this path.
SO I am here to learn all I can about all that I can.
And to set the record straight, I have brothers who have smoked for years and don't pass any judgment on those who smoke for recreation, I just didn't want to send mixed messages to the kids so I said "Say NO to all." LOL, a mommy move I guess.
I live near Portland Oregon. Going to need all the help I can get to learn all I can. I don't get out much as I suffer from a slight case of agoraphobia. LOL..I'm a mess I guess. So who wants to help an old newbie out on her path to enlightenment?!?
:weed:glad I started
1st off welcome to the site.
2nd congrats on waking up and realizing that marijuana is not a drug even if your not legal. sorry to hear about your misfortune that gives you pain 2day. i myself was crushed and also have chronic back pain. i'l be glad to put in my2 cents worth. i do have a little knowledge i can share. and i also live in oregon, coos bay