Here Come the Girls - a First Timer's Adventure

Lady Helena

Active Member
Day 28 - 14/05

So, it's day 28 and the Girls are going great-guns. Have responded so well to the LST (and accidental super-cropping).

Even Shirley, still looking good despite her injuries, no sign of dying-off and her top has turned up again. Awesome.

Shirley, despite almost total decapitation, growing strong @ day 28

Pearl @ day 28

Grace @ day 28

The Girls @ day 28​


Lady Helena

Active Member
4 weeks old (day 29) - proper little ladies.

My, don't they grow-up fast. I could just just sit and watch them all day long. Nature is magic.

Shirley @ 4 weeks old - no obvious signs of her (almost) decapitation

Grace @ 4 weeks old

Pearl @ 4 weeks old

The Girls @ 4 weeks old.

What d'ya think?

Lady Helena

Active Member
Right, that's your lot, I'm up to date in terms of photos anyway.
Today is day 31.
They look great so may take pics later.
The LST and defoliation have worked incredibly well - I can't stop pinching fans off, within hours you see the little shoots they were shading taking off. Have so many little bud-sites now (approx. 9 to 11 per plant).
OK I will stop clogging the feed now. All comments welcome, especially feedback on whether they look good for their age etc.
Lady Hels


Well-Known Member
look nice, healthy and green :D

good work with the LST, need to keep em small and bushy indoor`s as any artificial light cant compete to the Sun`s penetration

when do you plan on flowering ? how much space do you have and what light ? (sorry might miss it on one of the pages, so much to read :D) Im thinking hugh stavia strain indoor under fluorescent, don't let em go for to long unless you continue the LST or maybe scrog em

my small scrog


the chicken wire screen act a little like LSTing by keeping them from growing to much vertical or atleast let me decide how much, but best thing is that it let me keep all my Bud site`s just under the light at the right distance so they all get good strong light
Your little girls look great, they're obviously enjoying their classical music, your doing a good job and i like the love you have for them :D

Lady Helena

Active Member
Your little girls look great, they're obviously enjoying their classical music, your doing a good job and i like the love you have for them :D
Thanks ILikePotAlot, they really do enjoy the classical music. I think their fav so far is Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. They seem to grow more on the days they have music vs the days they don't. :wink:

Lady Helena

Active Member
look nice, healthy and green :D

good work with the LST, need to keep em small and bushy indoor`s as any artificial light cant compete to the Sun`s penetration

when do you plan on flowering ? how much space do you have and what light ? (sorry might miss it on one of the pages, so much to read :D) Im thinking hugh stavia strain indoor under fluorescent, don't let em go for to long unless you continue the LST or maybe scrog em

my small scrog

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the chicken wire screen act a little like LSTing by keeping them from growing to much vertical or atleast let me decide how much, but best thing is that it let me keep all my Bud site`s just under the light at the right distance so they all get good strong light
Thanks for the feedback Slipon.

So, I reckon I will see what they look like at 5 weeks and then possibly switch them over. Like you said I don't want a full-on jungle in my bedroom. However the LST has kept them nice and short and v. bushy. Hardly any space between the nodes (listen to me, I actually sound like I know what I'm talking about, hehe).

Like your scog. Have thought about it, but think it might be easier for me to keep them moveable this first time round. Next time I will set up a proper space and be much more professional about it all. My lights are literally hanging off an old clothes rail in the corner of my bedroom with some white cardboard around the plants - v. low-tech.


Well-Known Member
I have got some Classical Indian Sitar music for them, just haven't played it yet. Maybe I'll give them a bit of Ravi Shankar today and see what happens!

be careful with Indian sitar music and stavia plant`s you end up with some trippy stuff :D

the bach make more of a couch lock Im sure :D might just be me tho who grew up the fist year`s getting my mid day sleep to bach :D still love it

I wonder if Metallica will make em grow really ! fast ?

Ooh and BTW my scrog have 4 bamboo stick`s in each corner of the pot`s to support the chicken wire, so I can move em if I want



if you double click on your pictures in your post before you safe it, you will have a option to post em in full size, well sum times when it works :D

Lady Helena

Active Member
be careful with Indian sitar music and stavia plant`s you end up with some trippy stuff :D

the bach make more of a couch lock Im sure :D might just be me tho who grew up the fist year`s getting my mid day sleep to bach :D still love it

I wonder if Metallica will make em grow really ! fast ?

Ooh and BTW my scrog have 4 bamboo stick`s in each corner of the pot`s to support the chicken wire, so I can move em if I want

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if you double click on your pictures in your post before you safe it, you will have a option to post em in full size, well sum times when it works :D
Haha! That's what I'm aiming for...nice and trippy, hippy shit, giggly like the old days. Gonna put Ravi on right now. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm.
That reminds me, I have a CD that is just Oms...will try that out for a day soon. Good vibrations, original sound of creation and all that...

Om shanti, over and out.

Lady Helena

Active Member
Did i miss somthing? How are all these days going by today? Youve done all these updates today. Oh well, your plants look very nice and look like threy are getting lots of love. Sorry to hear about the snapped one, some tape and itll be healed right back up in no time :):):)
NinjaBowler, I have been reading your name as sorry. Am now cracking myself up. I did think it was an 'unusual' name to say the least. But hey, each to their own.

Lady Helena

Active Member
Do. Not. Puff. Before. Watering. :wall:

I think I just watered with hot water...

and when I say 'I think'...I mean I did just water with hot water.


Lady Helena

Active Member
Here's some pics from day 33.
Small, but perfectly formed.

Grace @ day 33

Pearl @ day 33

Shirley @ day 33.

Am quite proud.

(momentarily forgot I just watered them with hot water...shit)


Active Member
Your plants are looking really healthy, must be all that music. Been thinking about trying Jamaican pearl, looking forward to seeing how the turn out.