Herbal Incense

I've been making my own extremely potent herbal incense for quite some time now out of various herbs amongst other things. I have the capabilities of making kilos of the stuff. I'm really strapped for cash trying to start a mmj grow op in rhode island. How could I sell this stuff?:blsmoke:
By Herbal you mean laced with JWH-018 or JWH-073? If so at least tell people what they are smoking, that stuff can cause some crazy ass panic attacks.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member

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use a pm....
werd, I need money to fulfill my dreams to grow medicine for myself and others. This stuff is so good u could make your own labels, package it, and sell it to gas stations and headshops. $$$$


Well-Known Member
werd, all those interested email me at wobblesauce27 at Gmail dot com! I need money to fulfill my dreams to grow medicine for myself and others. This stuff is so good u could make your own labels, package it, and sell it to gas stations and headshops. $$$$

sorry dont post that stuff openly on our threads. I edited your email out of your post.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
u to tone ur posts down.....this isnt a hookup site (as iv been told) and this site doesnt take kindly to sellin this stuff.....u have to be very careful what ur tryin to get rid of.....