Hempy grow, going out of town?


Well-Known Member
I have 6 3gallon buckets filled with 75%Perlite/25%Vermiculite. Drain holes are 2" off the ground. I'll be out of town for 5 days. I normally water/feed every other day.

I don't want to tell anyone about the grow. The plants are going to need water (at least). I thought about taping over the hole and adding a bit more water but am a bit concerned about opening that Pandora's Box.


+rep for a workable solution!


The most effecient and cost effective method would be to use an automated electric watering device, which usually run for 70 bucks (amazon, hydro hobby shops, etc.) but you can also use "aqua globes" for around 6-15 dollars. The globes are glass bulbs that hold water and release it drip by drip over time, which would give you a 2 week reprieve from watering. If you cant find that try petstores for "drip" watering devices for lizards. Also you could try leaving 1/4 of the bucket in water since the perlite will suck it up through capillary action.