Hempy bucket problem


I have a huge situation here with my plants. I have 6 all together. 2 in hempy and 4 in soil. I have aphids on all of them and im pretty sure the hempys are the worst. Can I just use any insectide or is there something special I should use?


wow thanks for ALL the help guys. lol. I took the problem into my own hands and bought some "organic" insecticidal soap. It worked for the most part. there's one aphid left. i just cant seem to catch it to kill it. My plants now have brown spots on their leaves. Idk what hurt them. i dont think the soap did but you never know, it shouldn't have though. my guess is the brown is where the aphids got to them. they seem to be ok, I mean they haven't dried up and died yet, so in my opinion things are still a go. my LR2 seem to have gotten the worst of it. all the babies are about 2 weeks old. they should grow right out of it as long as it doesn't happen again. thanks again for the helpskees. lol