Hempstalk 2013 !


Active Member
Its goin down Sept. 7th - 8th @ Kelly Point Park in Portland. Who's going, whats goin and will it be bigger and better than last year. Hopefully the dudes from TGA will be in attendance as well as many other kickass vendors.


Active Member
Right on thnx hilbilly. Last year i believe farmerjohn was there as we as jinxproof and mizz rose jugnlo i think lol it was a hell of a good time. This year the wife is comin along along with some other cool peeps


Well-Known Member
I think Ill definitely be stopping by. I guess its not Seattle's Hempfest, but damnit it's OURS. This will be my first, is it a pretty "open" environment?


Active Member
Yeah is down at the water front very open laid back smoke all day no probem... And its official Subcool and Mizz Jill will be in attendance.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I am looking forward to making it down there for at least one of the days. Any recommendations of the musical acts?


Active Member
7 days and counting. So stoked the wifey and i are going along with a handfull of friends... And grandma is watching the boy over night, score!!


Active Member
Right on man... Its gonna be epic! Wonder if its gonna be bigger than last year. Gonna bring some purple kush and chernobyl hit me up if you want to try some of the goods... Lets smoke some bowls oregon growers.