
ive been growing my plant for 3 weeks now and its nothing compared to the plants ive seen on here. (in size)

any suggestions?

Los Ganjales

Active Member
lol, well pictures are often deceiving. what's your set up?

600 watt and 1,000 watt MH/HPS lights give the plants what they really need. You need good nutes, fed properly at the right times, those are steroids for the plants. The size of the pot the plant is in will determine its size at harvest. The genetics play a huge part. Sativas are bigger than indicas. Indicas stay short and stout. Also the plant grows 2-3 times its size, sometimes more, when it's induced to flower (12-12 light cycle). Your light could also be too close to the plant. Honestly could be anything, search more around these forums to see what you're doing wrong or not doing.


Well-Known Member
lets see a picture huh? honestly i like my plants short and healthy and sometimes runts and late bloomers are the most potent
lol, well pictures are often deceiving. what's your set up?

600 watt and 1,000 watt HPS lights give the plants what they really need. You need good nutes, fed properly at the right times, those are steroids for the plants. The genetics play a huge part. Sativas are bigger than indicas. Indicas stay short and stout. Your light could also be too close to the plant. Honestly could be anything, search more around these forums to see what you're doing wrong or not doing.

ive got some shitty equipment so thats probably it.
no nutes yet.
and the light is about 4 or 5 inches away.

Los Ganjales

Active Member
ive got some shitty equipment so thats probably it.
no nutes yet.
and the light is about 4 or 5 inches away.

4-5 inches is really really close. Hang that puppy 12-18 inches. You need some Grow nutes, nitrogen-based, Fox Farm bottles are $12-15 a quart. Invest in a T5 or T8 florescent light, or a metal halide, to have bigger plants at that stage. Also the outdoor sun is great at making plants huge, as it outputs 10,000 lumens a square foot.
4-5 inches is really really close. Hang that puppy 12-18 inches. You need some Grow nutes, nitrogen-based, Fox Farm bottles are $12-15 a quart. Invest in a T5 or T8 florescent light, or a metal halide, to have bigger plants at that stage. Also the outdoor sun is great at making plants huge, as it outputs 10,000 lumens a square foot.

i live with my parents, limited grow space and money.
my buddy has some nutes he's gonna throw me here pretty soon.
but i have them on an 18/6 cycle, putting them outside wouldnt fuck them up?

Los Ganjales

Active Member
i live with my parents, limited grow space and money.
my buddy has some nutes he's gonna throw me here pretty soon.
but i have them on an 18/6 cycle, putting them outside wouldnt fuck them up?
Not if you do it during the summer, if you're in the U.S. All you need is more than 12 hours of lighting and the plants will continue to veg. The sun is so powerful that even 13-14 hours of light seem to be way more powerful than 18 hours of any indoor lighting (to my experience with 400 watt MH). Of course if your parents aren't cool with pot plants then maybe that isn't the best idea. A good indoor spot near a sunny window could be an option for you too. I have my clones under florescents for 20 hours, then put them outside till I want to bud them.

If your buddy gives you Miracle Grow be very cautious... could end up doing more harm then if you just gave the plants water.
Not if you do it during the summer, if you're in the U.S. All you need is more than 12 hours of lighting and the plants will continue to veg. The sun is so powerful that even 13-14 hours of light seem to be way more powerful than 18 hours of any indoor lighting (to my experience with 400 watt MH). Of course if your parents aren't cool with pot plants then maybe that isn't the best idea. A good indoor spot near a sunny window could be an option for you too. I have my clones under florescents for 20 hours, then put them outside till I want to bud them.

If your buddy gives you Miracle Grow be very cautious... could end up doing more harm then if you just gave the plants water.

its not miracle grow, i forgot exactly what it was though.
do you think blooming feed would help?
when i bud that is^^

Los Ganjales

Active Member
i dont know what blooming feed is. When you're budding give the plants more potassium and phosphorous (the P and K). If you use Fox Farm, you give the plants Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom when budding, they have higher PK contents. When vegging you use Fox Farm's Grow Big and that's 6-4-4... higher in nitrogen. I like to give my plants Bud Blood in the beginning and end of flowering, made by Advance Nutrients, and that is known to do wonders because of its high PK content.


Well-Known Member
you dont even know what kinda of lights he has..your telling him to move them 12 inchs up..if there FL they need to be 1-2 inches away

Los Ganjales

Active Member
you dont even know what kinda of lights he has..your telling him to move them 12 inchs up..if there FL they need to be 1-2 inches away
True, but he/she said that they think their plants are really small. If a plant is really close to a grow light then it'll stunt its vertical growth, just like how a grow light too far away makes the plant stretch. I think a CFL 4-5 inches away would make the plant stretch in some manner. Also I've used these UV lights in the past that you can buy at home depot for $20 (they look like desk lamps) and if you position those as close as you would a CFL then you would get the burn effect of an HID light. "UV lights" can get really hot compared to florescents.

Good point though, if the light is a florescent it should be much closer. I shouldn't of assumed. If that's the case, I would also blame the plants stoutness on its health.

Los Ganjales

Active Member
Well there's your problem! lol

100 watt CFLs barely give a plant what it needs to grow, and even then you need about 4-6 of them per plant. You don't have enough light power to make the plants do their thing. You're better off finding a place outside to put them. The sun is better than any CFL light, and pretty much any grow light known to man. Trust me, I tried a CFL grow and had 5 gallon pots and did everything I possibly could, and the yield was awful.
Well there's your problem! lol

100 watt CFLs barely give a plant what it needs to grow, and even then you need about 4-6 of them per plant. You don't have enough light power to make the plants do their thing. You're better off finding a place outside to put them. The sun is better than any CFL light, and pretty much any grow light known to man. Trust me, I tried a CFL grow and had 5 gallon pots and did everything I possibly could, and the yield was awful.

alright man thanks, i guess ill just stick them outside

Los Ganjales

Active Member
That doesn't sound right. You want Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, or High-Output Florescents (or even LED... if you want to complicate the hell out of everything). I believe a halogen light is what the street lights are. And the typical wattages are 150, 250, 400, 600, and 1,000. The 600watt and 1,000watt lights offer the most comparable light spectrum to a sun. You use metal halide for vegging and high pressure sodium (HPS) for budding/flowering. Florescents dont give off heat and are good for seedlings/clones, and sometimes vegging, and supplementing in MH/HPS lights.

I suggest getting at least a 400 watt HPS. This is all you need right here to do a complete bud cycle $165: