Helpp me outttt!!


So I bought a full grown, about 3 foot tall plant from my local dispensary about a month ago. (Legal cannabis patient) and I won't front im pretty new to this growing thing. the budtender told me to keep it on the 12/12 cycle as it may be ready to bud anytime soon. I took it home and may have ben a little careless about the plant. put it under the wrong light never had nutes for it etc. NOWWWW the plant as begun to start budding a little (*top flower peeking, hairs releasing, etc..) but im pretty sure I messed up along this way. At first my fan leaves were starting to die off so I cut em as needed which I know is normal for the plant to do so at this stage. But now a couple more fan leaves are dying off ALONG WITH some of the other littler leaves at the bottom of the plant. It looks like it may have some sort of burn. yellow to black shading and curling. the top of the plant looks very healthy as I now have a CFL on it and purchased food spikes for the soil to give it nutrients. but the bottom of the plant is very depressing to look at, as I don't know what's wrong with it. IF YOU KNOW OR CAN GIVE ME ANYY ADVICE PLEASE HELP ME OUT i really want this to plant to flower healthy. thankyou

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
holyy, no food can really fuck a plant up, it needs 3 main things to live ontop of all the other minerals in the nutes, go buy nutes fwhere you live but youd have to look that up wat to buy.. only water when soil is dry a few cms down( stick finger in soil close to edge of pot to check, and those food spikes i would leave them in for now as they can be used on tomatoes if theyre miracle gro brand.


Well-Known Member


..sorry bout that, yo.. put up more specs about your setup :) -lights? nutes? pics? schedule? ...thnx budd


Well-Known Member
almost better off no nutes compared to sticks, its impossible to know how much your giving it at a time. sttore can give you ideas on cheap nutes or anyhting? gthey grew it up until now so they should know best id assume, then again not a medicalpatient and nver been to a disppensary before so i dont know.


Yeah I had it without food for about a week, like I said the top flowering portion looks healthy but im worried about what's going on underneath. Im getting pictures ready to put up right now
hi, im also ne to this, but sounds like lighting issues, along with type of feed you are feeding your plant, leaves at bottom will die off because the plant needs food, so it drains feed from leaves, best thing to do is look through old posts on plant problems, trust me,this website is a plant saver, these people know their stuff, its helped me evrey time i have had issues, well good luck mate


Well-Known Member
Sooo what would anyone suggest to keep my plant up and running?
*easy breezy cover girl style.. just show it some TLC, really... ;)

and i guess.. you can go get some 'compost tea' at your local hydro 'money before hoes' store :)
--feed that to your plant, and thank me l8rs
