HELPP just looking for some insights, first grow


Well-Known Member
i would run about 2 gallons of clear water through each plant. 1/4 strength nutes after that. they need more light too they are stretching.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
if u have any charcoal, use the ashes to drop the ph in the soil
Charcoal and wood ash both will raise a mediums pH, not lower it.
And the OPs original problem looks much more like phsical heat damage rather than nute burn. Nute burn is generally more symmetric in its damage. His issue looks to be localized on one side of the plant. Not sure if flushing is needed. Just get the light bulb a bit farther from the plant.
Also I hope he does not plan on flowering under the sink. Those areas are usually very damp and prone to mold issues.


New Member
the heat damage was from the sun, i had taken the plants outside for a 12 hr shift, left for work came back to see my girls damaged.. these are bag seed, honestly just took a pot that had soil in from my moms. so no clue what soil, but using 4 cfls pushing 3400 lumens or 4 15 watt cfls. i honestly didnt prepare to do a perfect grow, i wanted to do micro grow. probably about 3 weeks into 12/12. i only vegged for about 2weeks.


New Member
this is where i plan on doing my final growing, probably about 5 ft high 3 ft wide. but i only want about 1-1.5 ft plants


Active Member
Charcoal and wood ash both will raise a mediums pH, not lower it.
And the OPs original problem looks much more like phsical heat damage rather than nute burn. Nute burn is generally more symmetric in its damage. His issue looks to be localized on one side of the plant. Not sure if flushing is needed. Just get the light bulb a bit farther from the plant.
Also I hope he does not plan on flowering under the sink. Those areas are usually very damp and prone to mold issues.

the ashes worked for my nute burned plants, bounce back in 2 weeks, and yeas it dos raise ph, but theres hardly at all any nitrogen, id sprinkle it on the top, if u dont do it, try a flush?


New Member
well i threw one out, and kept the one in the pot! its bagseed from a friend who knows what name it is. but i'm hoping "she is a she" lol no male pleasee. growing fast in actually startin to shape up and look nice! will add pics tomorrow, so tired. just got back from meps. didnt pick a job because there were no active available and i wasnt joining reserve. so here in the next two weeks i will have a rate and swear down. i will then most likely have 3 months until rct. lets see what i can do HAHA. butt new pics coming up tomorrow once again.

<-----HE'S HIGH