Helpful 3 step cloning guide. Got me to a 100% success rate

Mine typically take 10-14 days in a glass of water in a window.... But I don't think it's amazingly, it's probably averagely
I use an Turbokloner and KLN if they are straight veg from an underskirt, with the water temp a nice 68 I can get roots in 7 days. But when I'm using them from 2-3 weeks in flower there's at least an extra week in the mix. On the not so rare occasions I clone at 8 weeks in flower it's a MUCH longer process and have had clones go 6-8 weeks sigh......
What humidity level are clones best kept in? I think they want 75%. And do you guys calibrate your humidity readers often? I've found that all of them are very inaccurate when I check with a salt test.