

New Member
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I received this plant from a friend who was growing it outdoors and it has been sitting I my kitchen for two days have no idea what to do with it can I save it or possibly make hash or something with leaves I don't want it to just die in my kitchen in vain thanks.


Well-Known Member
it's too tall now most likely for an indoor grow but if you wanted to, you could try getting it to flower, but that will take 12 hours of lighting every day until harvest. You should probably get a sodium light but that's pricey. if you don't know what to do with it and can't spend the money to keep it, then it will probably die. if you can give it 12 hours of light and 12 of darkness, it will flower.


Active Member
cant do anything with it right now.

Must flower it, place it out side someplace where there is wild growth so it blends in. Then hope for the best on a mini harvest!


New Member
thanks guys no the state I live in not too many green wild growth areas around except cactus but a few parks are a possibility not sure if its worth the risk tho.