

Well-Known Member
so I have ran into a situation and need help I have to cut this girl due to some family issues I can prob let it go for another week 2 at max but if I cut now will I get anything from this girl or would it just be a waste of time and money



Well-Known Member
Those pistols haven't turned colour at all, and it appears to have small calyxes and very little trichome coverage.

It would not be worth chopping.

I'd say you need five or six more weeks but it's up to you like you said family issues.

Let it go two more weeks like u said u could, probably will be smokeable but not desirable.


Well-Known Member
yea see those are the things I was worried about damn man this sucks a whole grow will have to go to the trash

Chris Cures

Wait two weeks, try some of it and if it's not worth it can't you find a place outside and just hope for the best rather then trashing them?


Well-Known Member
Yea mate I feel ur pain not good at all she looks like u would b getting a decent smoke off her if she went full term hope u manage to sort something out...if not I reckon in two weeks she will b potent enuff to smoke but as someone already mentioned it wouldn't b the greatest


Well-Known Member
Yea mate I feel ur pain not good at all she looks like u would b getting a decent smoke off her if she went full term hope u manage to sort something out...if not I reckon in two weeks she will b potent enuff to smoke but as someone already mentioned it wouldn't b the greatest
yea thanks green im trying to set something up now I really don't wanna let her go I agree with you she might've ended up nice


Well if it helps my first grows were just window grows so if you could either put it next to a window or give it to a mate that could, it might not be enough but it's something


What's your light cycle? Because if you were to do that you could run the risk of a herme but as I said before, better than nothing right? :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man don't listen to all that BS. If you have to take it down take it down.. It will still get you sky high. I have had to harvest earlier than that before and got ripped of my ass. The only thing that will be compromised is yield and cbd (Couch lock/relaxing effect) You look like you are in about 5 weeks flowering give or take a week. The plant has developed a lot of it's thc. As cannabis matures and your trichs change color it is just the gradual degradation of thc and the chemical reactions converting CBD's and CBN's. Whats going to happen is your just going to get more of an active racy high instead of a laid back sit back and chill feel.

I will put money on it that it has not been a waste. I have pulled popcorn buds of a test plant at all stages of flower. Past week one you will be surprised at the fact that you will get high. I actually found that by taking nugs off the plant from the tiny calyxes in week one to the swelled buds of week 8, that the most potent sample was actually week 6. That's when I found the plant contained the most active concentration of thc after week 6 on an 8 week plant you compromise thc for yield but gain CBD the plant will swell dramatically the final couple weeks but as the trichs start to amber up they loss a bit of they're thc. Although, some people will not agree because they have a different perception of potency. Meaning they grade potancy based on the typical effect they are looking for most people with an 8 week indica strain are looking for that intense couch lock feel which is in correlation with the raised amount of CBD compared to a typical Sativa strain. Now when they smoke a premature plant they expect that classic indica stone where as instead they recieve a more open eyed sativa boost which to them feels as though they did not get as high as they wanted because they didn't get zoned out. They do have a point though hold off as long as possible because its only improving yield. UNLESS it is going to affect your family because your family should come first! But don't get tricked into the main stream thought that it has to reach maturity to be of any value. When our ancestors would gather wild cannabis in the fields do you think that they looked at it and was like umm.. I don't think the plant is week 8 flower we better come back in a couple weeks no they gathered that shit and smoked it.

In fact, some people prefer to harvest early because they would rather sacrifice yeild in order to get a desired feel. Thats why alot of seasoned connoisseurs will tell you to test your bud at various times to find what stage feels best for you.

Don't be disheartened I guarantee.
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Well-Known Member
Not for a minute did I say he wouldn't get a buzz of it.I know from experience that he will get exactly the buzz u described in this instance because I smoked a bud off mine at the same stage that his is at buuutttt the only negative thing I can say is I didn't Particularly like it yes I was buzzing and that's how it should b described it aBUZZ NOT A STONE.