
RaJa Herbal

Active Member
Hey all,

So I have a couple different strains in my tent and I am in week 8 now. I started my flush at the begining of week 7 and now i am realizing that a few of them won't be ready until after 9 weeks or maybe even 10. What should i feed after a two week flush almost already? Do i just continue with flushing for a whole nother week? Seems like it would hurt my ladies. IDK someone please help me!! They are looking so good and I really need this harvest to be a good one!!!

RaJa Herbal

Active Member
no camera. they are helthy though just not finished. they are in 3 gallon smart pots with 100% coco. thanks for any help you can give me


Well-Known Member
feed as normale for another week or two then flush, soil retains some nutes to cover em for a lil while,but what i get from coco,a flush and the nutes are gone. hope a coco pro will chime in. I been reading a lot about the coco as it will be used in my next grow to get away from bugs.You should be fine.


Ursus marijanus
RaJa, you say your plants are looking good. They have an "onboard store" of nutes that they will cannibalize to grow the buds. If your fan leaves are still green, you're on course on time for another coupla weeks of flower. cn

RaJa Herbal

Active Member
Thanks guys,

So im at day one week 7. If I go back to feeding at 1050ppm like i was for all of week 7 and maybe 8 then flush again for week 9 and 10. i should be fine???:weed:


Active Member
hard to really say for sure without pics but from wat i gathered they should be fine. i always grow organic so its hard to say wat and how much nutes you should use. best of luck to you tho bro. stay stoney