

Weed Modifier
im using nutrigrow plus A+B i put 1and a half teaspoons in a little less than a gallon of water and feed it about 1 and a half teaspoons a day. i couldnt get the idea of how to get the ph drops to work so the guy at the hydroponics store said skip it.
1 1/2 teaspoons a day? under-watering for sure ;)
That soil is very dry...water til there is good run off coming out the bottom of pot, then should be good for anywhere from 4-7 days :)

guy at hydro store doesn't care if your plants are healthy or sick? :wall:
ph is important for nutrient uptake...
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Oh yeah, she needs more water than that! Also, I would not use such a strong nute mix for the first round - maybe 1/2 that for that amount of water to start, and work your way up. But too many nutes is not your problem.

The tap water ph is probably fine for a noobie.
the guy at the store gave me a bottle of atomic flush, should i use this? and my leaves seem to have somewhat recovered overnight.
so how much water should i actually give it a day? and how should i space it out?
and i'm thinking of actually cutting that whole bottom branch off. good idea?


The amount of water a plant needs when it is small is very very different from a plant as it grows up. I don't have any hard numbers for you, but I would say a mature 4-5 ft plant might take between 3-6 cups of water a day. You can water the plant until water comes out the bottom to make sure that you start off with wet soil throughout, then use the top soil to judge how quickly water is being used. The top will wick up from the bottom, but will also dry up first. I don't like the top soil to get completely dry. If I suspect I have been under-watering for a few days, then I re saturate the soil. I always water my plants in the morning, and not at night.

I think cutting off the bottom is a good idea for a couple reasons, but I am kind of a noobie grower myself so maybe someone else will offer another opinion... however no plant would grow naturally like that, and I don't think splitting off so many nutrients at the base is a good idea. You will definitely end up with bigger and better nugs if you do cut it off, the question to me is whether or not you will end up with more weight in the end.


New Member
Hit the stickies and start reading. Seems you have done little research, you and your plants will be glad you did. Definately some nute burn and poor watering habits.


Active Member
How do you water everyday ?? is your soil that bad?? I drench my soil each time i water/feed until i have a good run-off NEVER have had to water the next day with any pot size. so yes you are watering incorrect as far as transplant my rule is twice as tall as the pot it is in .Happy Farming ,Cajun


Well-Known Member
its not over-watering but you are watering to often.when you water your plants try to water till you see run-off. dont assume that the top of the soil is wet then the bottom is wet also. also if your watering everyday with nute mixed water then they might be over fert also