

Well-Known Member
Damn Man dont do that unless you want to quit the hydro. You need to get the root issue fixed first then make up your mind what you want to grow in.


Well-Known Member
so right now the problem isn't really overwatering, it's just the same symptom of plants not getting oxygen, mostly this is because of overwatering but in your case probably because of bad roots (could be a layer of some residue or rot), so cleaning them in the way suggested above will hopefully solve that and you can water it as you see fit, I think when they are hanging in the air you should be good anyway.

and yeah most people say dilute the h2o2 down to 3% so it won't burn your skin by accident I read this. Or you can just buy the 3% in any pharmacy.
I am going to try to find 35% cause I read that the 3% has additives and dillutants u DON'T want so its better I heard to get 35% and dilute urself any knowledge or real life exp. Would be great not sure I just read it.


Active Member
we use H2O2 at a rate of 2ml per 10L
id also suggest a root stimulant not sure if you have rhizotonic over there or something similar, perhaps this is the Hydrozyme that was mentioned earlier ?
I got some 3% and flushed the roots and rockwool allowed it to dry out a good bit and put it back. In since then she has straightened toward light and leaves are moist now but curled down extremely I don't think this is new symptoms. Just the stiffness of the burnt leaves were holding themselves up. New growth still lush and green but no gain in mass.
Na straight I must have misunderstood u when u said just get the 3% from Rx instead of diluting 35% down should I just start new germination it would be less expensive and timely and now I can address it from start


Well-Known Member
ouch. sorry man, these things happen yeah :\

well it could be not so bad, wait a day or two and see how she's looking. but yeah she is very young you could indeed start over, but recommended you figure things out before.
Oh well we'll see if she makes it I put her in dirt with a little root hormone and some 1/4 nute if she makes it ok great but im not doing hydro till next time any info on the type of setup u see im planning to run would be appreciated ill post back in a few days